Published On: June 22, 2014

Today’s blog post was written by Sam Sanders

It’s that time of year again when kids head back to school and every parent’s first priority is to make sure they have everything their kids need. Do you know what’s missing from that supply list that could be the most critical tool your child needs?

Every year, millions of young children with undiagnosed disabilities enter school with issues that can put them behind their peers. This is frustrating for the children and the family and it can create a lasting, negative impact on the child’s educational process.

Make the first five years of life count for your child. Through the generous support of the CVS Caremark Charitable Trust, Easter Seals is providing access to the Ages & Stages Questionnaires to parents. The questionnaires serve as a simple screening tool to help parents monitor their child’s development. If the results indicate a need for developmental services, the children’s programs at Easterseals Crossroads can help you at every age and stage.

Here are some examples of warning signs to watch for before your child begins school:

At age 4, is your child…

  • Unable to separate from parents without major protest
  • Easily distracted and unable to concentrate on any single activity for more than five minutes
  • Showing little interest in playing with other children
  • Refusing to respond to people in general, or respond only superficially

At age 5, is your child…

  • Not using plurals or past tense properly when speaking
  • Unable to build a tower of six or eight blocks
  • Having difficulty feeling comfortable holding a crayon

Early identification and treatment are keys to a bright future for your child. Trust you instincts – you know your child best. If something does not feel quite right, share your concerns with you health care provider. Your child is unique and develops at his or her own pace but understanding the basics about child development will make you more aware of the skills your child should achieve.

If you are considering  services or are unsure if your child is in need of services, contact us today to ask your questions. Regardless, be sure to take the Ages & Stages Questionnaires periodically to continue to make sure that your child is readily prepared to succeed in school.