Valentine’s Day Rose Sale

bucket of rosesThe Sertoma Club of North Downtown Indianapolis is once again holding a Valentine’s Day Rose Sale to benefit Easterseals Crossroads.

The club is now taking orders for their beautiful, florist-quality roses. You can place your order online or you can call the Sertoma Club of North Downtown Indianapolis and speak with president Brad Polo at 317.446.6760.

The roses sell out quickly, so plan to place your order soon!

One Dozen (boxed with greenery): $50
1/2 Dozen (vase with greenery): $30
Spray of 3 roses (vase with greenery): $20

Pickup Location (date and time):
4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN  46205
February 14, 2022 (12:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., local time)

Click here to order

2022-01-07T07:56:12-05:00January 7, 2022|Our Blog|

Important Change at BMV for People who use ASL

Olivia and Sophia are twins (Olivia left and Sophia right in above photo) who attend the Indiana School for the Deaf. Like many 16-year-olds, they want to learn to drive. The written test to gain a learner’s permit is now accessible for Deaf people in Indiana because Easterseals Crossroads worked with the BMV to make the computerized tests available in American Sign Language.

“ASL is my first language; I don’t understand written English all the time. Having the questions signed was the only way to make the test accessible for me,” said Sophia. Olivia thought some of the wording was tricky. “I would not have understood the questions without the videos,” said Olivia.

Easterseals Crossroads realized the tremendous need for ASL test options and Stephanie Ritchie and Jennifer Alka from our Deaf services team worked diligently during the past year to make this need a reality. The computerized versions of the tests now provide video links of ASL interpreters signing the questions. “ASL is a visual language; it is definitely different than written English and some words do not transfer well,” said Jennifer.

“A huge barrier for Deaf people no longer exists. An entire new generation of drivers will never realize that there were struggles with testing accessibility. It has been amazing to be part of something this big. We made a change that can benefit every Deaf driver in Indiana,” said Stephanie.


2021-12-20T14:14:02-05:00December 20, 2021|Our Blog|

Autism Services

Lucas was diagnosed with autism before his second birthday and has been working with autism specialists for three years. Now five, he is learning to communicate and make friends in addition to learning his colors, numbers and letters – all amazing things according to his mom Mary.

Mary is a social worker, but still learns more about autism and available services every day since both of her children have autism. “I have a lot of knowledge, but it isn’t the same when you apply it to your own kids. Reading the books about autism is one thing, but having someone with experience guide you is best. Easterseals Crossroads helps our family every step of the way,” said Mary.

Learn about autism services for children and young adults at Easterseals Crossroads.


2021-12-16T14:26:28-05:00December 16, 2021|Our Blog|

Industrial Services is Part of Something Bigger

Crossroads Industrial Services is an ISO 9001:2015 contract manufacturing plant within the Indianapolis area that offers high quality solutions for businesses that include assembly, supply chain management, fulfillment, product packaging, document scanning and more. “What makes us unique is our mission – we employ people with disabilities and the work we perform generates income for programs for people with disabilities at Easterseals Crossroads,” said Jeff Gore, General Manager, Administration.

“We have been in business for many years because of the reliability and accountability of our workforce. The bottom line is that our customers want quality products delivered on time. That is always number one to us,” said Greg Roberts, General Manager, Operations.

There is great accountability and responsibility in working at Industrial Services. So much so that many of the employees have 20+ years of tenure. “This speaks to the value of the staff and the benefits of working at Industrial Services, but it also speaks to the fact that the employees are working to create better opportunities for others by being part of something bigger,” said Greg.

I have been part of making products that are shipped all over the country, all over the world. This has made me realize that I am doing something very important, said John, Industrial Services employee, 27 years.

Learn more about Crossroads Industrial Services.

2021-12-07T13:44:15-05:00December 7, 2021|Our Blog|

This Giving Tuesday be Part of Something Bigger

You can be part of something bigger on Giving Tuesday this year for children with disabilities at Easterseals Crossroads. Through children’s therapy and autism programs, we provided over 21,191 service appointments for families who count on us to meet their needs. In turn, we count on our community to help us cover the 25% of our operating budget that relies on philanthropy. There has never been a better time to be a part of something bigger for people with disabilities and veterans at Easterseals Crossroads.

All gifts to up to $50,000 will be matched through the end of the year.

Donate Today Button and Link

Meet Fenton

“Five-year-old Fenton is the gift that our family never thought of asking for,” said mom Erin. With four older brothers and one older sister, he is surrounded by a protective, loving sibling team.

Fenton was born with Down syndrome and his mom Erin, a speech pathologist at Easterseals Crossroads years ago, knew where she wanted Fenton to receive therapy. “I trust the people and the mission at Easterseals Crossroads. I knew this would be a long-term journey for our family, so I wanted him to be in a place where he is loved, taken care of and treated like family,” said Erin.

Learn more about children’s services.

2021-11-29T10:29:09-05:00November 29, 2021|Our Blog|

Meet Gladys and Learn about The Depot

“My grandson calls me the Zoom Queen,” said Gladys who is a recipient of a refurbished laptop computer from the INDATA Depot at Easterseals Crossroads. The Depot refurbishes donated computers for distribution to people with disabilities in Indiana.

Success of this program is dependent on the generosity of businesses in our community. CareSource – a healthcare insurance provider – recently donated over 100 laptops from the Indianapolis location. “At CareSource, we always want to find ways to improve the lives of others; coming together across communities is better for everyone,” said Steve Smitherman, CareSource President, Indiana Market.

Gladys heard about the program and applied for a laptop. As a breast cancer survivor, Gladys is careful with her health and in-person contact especially since COVID. She uses her laptop to schedule virtual doctor’s appointments, as well as meetings with friends, family, church members and craft groups.

“Having my laptop to communicate with people has opened my world. Without it, I think I would be a little lost and depressed. With my cancer, I have been through a lot of things. Being able to see my friends and family through my laptop has made a huge difference,” said Gladys.

Learn more about donating computers or receiving them at the Depot.

2021-11-22T10:11:57-05:00November 22, 2021|Our Blog|

Serving Children, Adults and Veterans

Easterseals Crossroads has been a vital part of our community for over 85 years! We respond to needs from people with disabilities in our community who need us. Not only are we a leading resource for people with disabilities and their families, we are a resource for partner organizations, businesses, employers, nonprofits, schools, universities, civic groups and more.

We served over 5,000 people this year through direct service, yet our community reach extends to families and communities within each individual person’s life. That total reach is closer to 90,000 people when consideration is given to all who benefit from our impact.

We serve children and adults with disabilities and we serve our veterans. Our programs for children include early intervention services; physical, occupational and speech-language therapy; autism and behavior services; respite and camp programs. Our adult programs include adult day services; employment and veteran services; and transition services. Our family programs include Deaf services; home modification services; a speech and hearing resource center; and an autism resource center.

From now until the end of the year, we will be featuring stories about some of our program participants so that our community can learn more about what we do at Easterseals Crossroads. As an agency dedicated to finding ways to maximize independence for those we serve, we love sharing what we do!

And we hope you will want to join us in being part of something bigger this year for veterans and people with disabilities. We rely on philanthropy for 25% of our operating budget. We want to be the resource upon which people depend for many years to come.

Be part of something bigger and donate today!

2021-11-18T13:10:40-05:00November 18, 2021|Our Blog|

Be Part of Something Bigger

Something bigger can take on many meanings. To a young family, this could be a child communicating for the first time. To a young adult this might be a first job and paycheck. To anyone with a disability, this might be finding ways to maximize independence every single day.

Being part of something bigger always involves community and growth. People with disabilities depend upon us to meet their current and future needs. To do that, we need the involvement of people who are dedicated to making central Indiana accessible for all its residents. We depend upon philanthropy to help us reach 25% of our operating budget each year.

Join us in being part of a community where bigger means 100% equity, inclusion and access for people with disabilities and their families.

Learn more or donate today!

2021-11-15T10:24:40-05:00November 15, 2021|Our Blog|

Pathways to Opportunity

Pathways to Opportunity is a new program of Easterseals Crossroads for adults who are seeking a long-term career opportunities. There is a tremendous need in our community for a program designed to assist individuals with disabilities leave poverty and move to an independent lifestyle based on successful, desired employment.

Our director of the employment division Marjorie Duryea answered a few questions about this unique program.

infographic of Pathways Program

What makes the Pathways to Opportunity Program unique or different from other employment programs?

The program is unique because Easterseals Crossroads will have the flexibility and resources to provide the specific services that each individual needs and desires, without the usual constraints that come with existing funding sources.  The program will allow us to serve those who are currently left out of other funding sources and programs. Easterseals has a commitment from several key businesses to provide opportunities for training, employment and a career path for participants within their companies.

“Easterseals Crossroads has successfully connected people with disabilities to gainful employment for decades, but we’ve recognized that if we are to move the needle  in moving people with disabilities out of poverty, we need to do more than help them find jobs. We need to address all the factors in their lives that have led to poverty disproportionately affecting people with disabilities.

Our Pathways to Opportunity approach will not only serve the whole person, but we will be engaging the whole household,” said David Dreith, President/CEO, Easterseals Crossroads

How were we able to create and offer this new program?

We responded to a request for proposals from the Lilly Endowment called Enhancing Opportunities.  Through this grant, the Endowment was seeking proposals from organizations to help individuals in Indianapolis overcome the challenges of poverty and financial insecurity.  Based on our experience and programs, we are acutely aware that disability is both a cause and a consequence of poverty, and for this reason determined that this grant was a perfect fit to our mission.

Additionally, while we already offer employment services for adults with disabilities, there are limitations in accessibility to services, what services can be provided and how they are provided due to specific funding streams.  We also know that there are a large group of individuals with disabilities in our community who need employment services and supports, but who are not being served due to the constraints of funding sources.  We saw the need and the opportunity to utilize our expertise and experience with disability and employment using a new and different approach.

What are the program goals and who will be served by this program?

The goal of Pathways to Opportunity is to assist individuals with disabilities as they move from poverty to self-sufficiency through education, training and employment.  This is a five-year project, and we plan on serving 150 individuals.  The program will serve individuals with disabilities who are experiencing financial instability or living in poverty and reside in Marion county.

In addition to these criteria, the ideal candidates will be those who are seeking full-time employment, who are willing and able to eliminate dependency on public benefits and who are willing to commit to long-term participation in the Pathways program.  Services provided will include

  • case management
  • job skills training
  • financial literacy and coaching
  • academic tutoring
  • building social capital
  • job search, job placement and job supports

We will be able to help fund training and educational pursuits and address key barriers that may affect success. Each participant will be assigned to work with a career navigator who will provide individualized, high-touch, comprehensive support to help achieve special career and life goals.  We officially started program planning and implementation in July 2021.  We have hired our program manager and some of the staff and hope to begin enrolling participants by the end of 2021.

How do people sign up for the program? Once a person is identified as a qualified participant, what happens next? 

We anticipate referrals coming from some of our own existing programs, as well as our network of Pathways partners. Each person referred will be interviewed to determine eligibility and program compatibility.  Once that has been established, the participant will be assigned to a career navigator who will facilitate a comprehensive needs assessment and assist in developing a personalized employment plan.

How do we plan to engage other agencies within our community to deliver services? 

Pathways will engage other agencies in our community by developing mutually beneficial partnerships through shared resources and referrals.

What does a qualified candidate look like in terms of success? 

Success will be defined by each individual meeting a specific goal identified in the personal employment and life plan.  This will include securing and maintaining a job that will put the participant on a path to self-sufficiency. A good job will be those paying $18 or more per hour with benefits including health coverage. A promising job is defined as one that puts a person on a path to a good job.

What is success for this program?  

Success will measured in part through the metrics listed below.  Success will also be measured by our ability to sustain the Pathways program beyond the five-year grant period by proving that the model is both effective and relevant in our community to reduce poverty for people with disabilities.  Another long-term success will be achieved when an individual is able to break the cycle of generational poverty within the family.

  • 90% of those served will become employed
  • 30% will achieve jobs paying $18 per hour
  • 90% will realize household income growth from start to end of program
  • 80% will maintain employment 90 days
  • 75% will maintain employment 6 months
  • 90% will complete work readiness training
  • 90% will complete financial literacy training
  • 30% will complete formal certification training in a specific occupation
  • 75% will participate in the Circles program to build their social capital with a high level of satisfaction, and to meet these goals

Contact us for more information about the Pathways to Opportunity program.

2024-03-18T14:36:14-04:00September 30, 2021|Our Blog|

Child Passenger Safety Week Inspection Sites

This week is Child Passenger Safety Week. Every day across America, parents and caregivers drive young children to and from school, daycare, the store, and around town in car seats and boosters. Yet nearly half of all car seats are installed incorrectly, which means your child may not be traveling as safely as possible.

The goal of Child Passenger Safety Week is to make sure your child is in the correct car seat, that it’s properly installed and used, and that it’s registered with its manufacturer to ensure you receive important safety updates.

Here is a list of inspection stations; please note that all site inspections are by appointment only.

Automotive Safety Program

1130 West Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN 46202

Contact: Marsha, Rosy or Erin at 317-274-2977 or

By Appointment Only; virtual appointments are available

Spanish Speaking Technicians and other language interpreters available.

Request an appointment by completing the Car Seat Education Appointment Request form.

The Rose Project Counseling & Consulting, LLC.

1311 N. Arlington Ave., Suite 102, Indianapolis, IN 46219

Contact: Brittany Veal at 317-931-9338 or

By Appointment Only

Empower Inspire Life Changes LLC

4126 East 10th St., Indianapolis, IN 46201

Contact: Nikita King at 317-909-7683 or

By Appointment Only

1 Life 2 Live CPR, LLC

11903 E. Welland St.,  Suite I, Indianapolis, IN 46229

By Appointment Only; Inspections Only

Contact: Kiya Beard at 317-983-1210 or

Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health

705 Riley Hospital Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46202

By Appointment Only

Contact 317-499-4779 (text or call)

Marion County Public Health Department

3838 N. Rural St., Indianapolis, IN 46205

By Appointment Only

Contact: Constance Cowling at 317-221-2045
Appointments available in Spanish

Indianapolis Fire Department

4155 N. College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46205

By Appointment Only

Contact: Clara Simeone at 317-327-7956

Franciscan Health Indianapolis

8111 S. Emerson Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46237

By Appointment Only

Contact: Sharilyn Wagner at 317-528-5774

Appointments available in Spanish

Decatur Twp. Fire Department

5410 S. High School Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46221

Schedule on-line appointment at

Contact :Brad Jewell

Community East Marion County

1500 N. Ritter, Indianapolis, IN 46219

By Appointment Only

Contact: Kristina Lind at
Appointments available in Spanish

For additional resources please visit or

2021-09-20T12:57:05-04:00September 20, 2021|Our Blog|
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