Meet Beth

Beth attended Easterseals Crossroads for children’s therapy services in the 1970s. Her parents received a recommendation because she was experiencing learning and fine motor developmental delays.

 “I am not certain of all of my goals for therapy, but I do remember therapists helping me learn to deal with my learning challenges. Another goal was basic remediation so that I was prepared for a good start in the school environment,” said Beth.

 Beth was photographed for the annual report in 1976, which she remembers to this day. “I am not sure of all of my activities during therapy sessions, but the annual report shows me working on puzzles, so I am sure those types of things helped with my learning development,” said Beth.

 Beth feels as though her ability to handle her learning and fine motor developmental delays was strengthened by attending therapy at Easterseals Crossroads. Today, she has walked numerous 5K events and she has participated in ten half marathons. “I don’t think I could have done all that if I hadn’t started off at Crossroads,” said Beth.

 As an adult, Beth works at a pharmaceutical company in Indianapolis. She has volunteered for arts organizations, veterans organizations and most recently for a hospice organization. She has a passion for learning; she has a master’s degree in theology and is currently working on a graduate certificate from Purdue University. She is a lifelong Los Angeles Dodgers fan and a Green Bay Packers shareholder.

 Beth recently contacted Easterseals Crossroads to learn of volunteer opportunities and shared some of her earlier experiences. ” I think my past experiences with Crossroads are important because it reminds me of a time in my life where I faced some challenges and learned ways to overcome them. Crossroads was an integral part of my family’s life for a few years, so it is a place I remember fondly,” said Beth.

 As a community resource, Beth feels that Crossroads is important because of our purpose to change the way the world defines and views people with disabilities. “Your programs are designed to help people achieve independence and live their lives fully. I believe in your mission and have supported your services through direct donations for a few years. I am very particular in whom I choose to support, and Crossroads has always been near the top of that list,” said Beth.

Many years have passed since Beth attended therapy sessions at Easterseals Crossroads, yet our mission has remained constant for those whom we serve. Learn more about children’s therapy services today.

View our annual report from 1976.

2021-06-29T12:51:35-04:00November 16, 2020|Our Blog|

Meet Richard

As a young boy in the early 1960s, Richard had difficulty making certain sounds, he had a slight stutter and he had slower than normal reading skills. His mother’s sister, who had her PhD in education, suggested that the family contact a rehabilitation center for services.

Because of his speech challenges, Richard attended public school and he participated in school therapy sessions as well as in therapy sessions at Crossroads. “I think I attended Crossroads for two years. I remember the drive to the Sutherland location along Fall Creek. It made me feel special because it was just me without my brothers. It was different than school therapy because in school I felt ashamed walking out of the classroom in full view of the other kids,” said Richard.

image of Richard painting on the side of a house in the 1960s
Richard painting in 1960s

Richard did not always understand the purpose of therapy, because he felt his brain was saying the right words, but his speech did not vocalize what his brain was thinking. “During the 1960s, I was viewed as “retarded” by my neighborhood peers. At school, I often spent time by myself. The other children generally ignored me during classwork,” said Richard. “I enjoyed going to Crossroads.  It made me feel special that I had a teacher to myself.  Watching other children in the hallways and in therapy, I thought I was in the right place,” said Richard.

therapy book cover from 1960s

“Being at Crossroads instilled a work ethic for self-improvement that continues today.  I began reading voraciously. My mother used to walk the three of us to a nearby library. Curious George books were my favorites. It took too long to read each word on longer, harder books, so I developed a speed-reading pattern,” said Richard.

Richard continued speech therapy in the public-school system up to the seventh grade. Richard completed high school and enlisted in the United States Coast Guard right after graduation and entered the US Coast Guard Academy one year later.

“The Academy is ranked as the top regional college in the north according to US News. One education source ranks the Academy as the eighth best marine engineering undergraduate school in the world. I chose engineering as my profession because I thought it would be the best fit for me based on my interests, test scores and skills,” said Richard. He graduated third from last out of 192 cadets and he studied marine engineering and naval architecture. Part of his job consisted of producing engineering reports and he became aware of the fact that he had dyslexia. In hindsight, Richard feels that dyslexia and speech problems were the basis of some later challenges; he found that when computers became prevalent, he achieved a vast improvement in his writing skills. 

As an adult, Richard found ways to work with his challenges and was successful both personally and professionally with many unique experiences and friendships. “An early learning disability may not ever be completely solved, but it can be correctable for success,” said Richard. He has three grown sons – one is a musician; one is a teacher in South Korea; and the youngest just graduated and is working in financial management.

This fall, Richard contacted Easterseals Crossroads to connect once again. He wanted his boys to know that Easterseals Crossroads was a significant part of his life story. “Crossroads offers unique, proven specialized rehabilitation services to those in need. Dignity and respect for the individual are hallmarks of programs at Crossroads. Fifty years later, I am proud to be an alumnus of Crossroads,” said Richard.

Many years have passed since Richard attended therapy sessions at Easterseals Crossroads, yet dignity and respect continue to be a constant in the organization. Learn more about children’s therapy services today.

View our annual report from 1664

View our annual report from 1965

View our annual report from 1966

2021-06-29T12:51:35-04:00November 16, 2020|Our Blog|

Stronger Together

We are pleased to offer a matching gift incentive made possible by Redux through our Stronger Together year-end giving campaign. Redux will match your gift throughout November and December doubling your impact and proving that we are Stronger Together.

At Easterseals Crossroads, we know the importance of teamwork, especially when it comes to tough times. This past year has challenged our agency, our community and our world with the COVID pandemic. The obstacles have been immense for everyone within our community and especially difficult for people with disabilities and their families.

We’ve overcome significant adversity because we truly are stronger together. In addition to our staff, we cannot thrive without our partners, sponsors, advocates, volunteers, supporters and donors. Our community needs us to continue to be the resource upon which children and adults with disabilities depend.    Throughout the year, we worked with over 5,000 children and adults to help them gain or maintain independence within their homes and within their communities. Our reach extends to 88,000 people who benefit from our services as they live, learn, work and play.  

For young families, we are there at the beginning with early intervention therapy for babies / toddlers and therapy services for children. We grow with your family with autism services, camp and respite programs. As your family ages, we assist with transition services, employment assistance, veteran programs and community day supports. As your family changes, we provide answers for independence through assistive technology, deaf services and home modification services.  

Please consider a donation this year so that we can maintain our community as a place where we are all stronger together.

2021-06-29T12:51:36-04:00November 9, 2020|Our Blog|

Meet Crista and Caitlin

contributed by Crista McIntosh, Document Services Manager, Crossroads Industrial Services

Crista has worked for Easterseals Crossroads for 17 years in a number of roles including, job coach, project manager and grant work within transition services for high school students. She is currently the Document Services Manager for Crossroads Industrial Services.

Crossroads Industrial Services is a competitive social enterprise division of Easterseals Crossroads. We provide solutions for a wide variety of businesses across the United States. Greater than 75% of the Crossroads Industrial workforce consists of individuals with disabilities who are paid market wages with excellent benefit packages. Profits support underfunded services at Easterseals Crossroads.  
Caitlin at a desk imaging a document

Caitlin has participated in various departments within Easterseals Crossroads, such as our Autism Resource Center, employment services and is currently employed at Crossroads Industrial Services.

Caitlin began working for Crossroads Document Services (CDS) as an intern to scan the files for central file. Through a grant providing employee internships she was able to receive a paycheck for her work and this allowed CDS to see her capabilities in this type of environment. Once her internship was completed, she was hired as an employee for CDS and
has been an amazing employee ever since.

Caitlin is an invaluable employee with strong family support, work ethic, fabulous attendance and stellar job performance. She is a great fit for CDS with outstanding attention to detail and virtually error-free completed work. In fact, she is most often utilized to complete final checks for other employees’ work before a final product is delivered to customers. Caitlin
was heavily involved in the quality check process for the Digitize Indy Project that CDS completed for the Indianapolis Public Library, personally quality checking over 60,000 images for the Shortridge High School Daily Echo collection.

Caitlin’s favorite job is quality checking archival scans. She enjoys the routine and finds it interesting to look at all of the different pages. Caitlin is a key part of the CDS team and has good camaraderie with her co-workers.

Caitlin is an invaluable employee with strong family support, a great work ethic, fabulous attendance and stellar job performance. I am so grateful the internship program was available and allowed us to bring her on board. She is one of my best employees. I wish I had 4 more just like her! Besides being a great employee, I love seeing how Caitlin has blossomed socially since she started working here. A naturally quiet person she readily engages in astute observations during group conversations in CDS that are valued by all.

– Crista McIntosh

Learn more about document services at Crossroads Industrial Services.

2021-06-29T12:51:36-04:00October 2, 2020|Our Blog|

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Our Employment Services Division is seeking volunteers who can assist individuals with disabilities in the career exploration process. Volunteers are needed to share information about their occupation or business. Specific activities can include virtual informational interviews or virtual tours. For individuals who have identified a career objective, we are seeking volunteers who can assist with virtual practice interviews or resume reviews. Volunteer hours can be arranged at times convenient for you during the traditional work week of Monday through Friday.
  • Small groups of 10 or less can join us this fall for outdoor landscaping opportunities. Help us maintain our outdoor garden and recreation areas by cleaning leaves, spreading mulch and providing general outdoor maintenance for our spaces. Opportunities can be scheduled in half day or less increments during the Monday through Friday work week. 

To learn more about volunteer opportunities at Easterseals Crossroads, contact us or complete our volunteer application form. Once we receive your form, we will contact you to discuss opportunities that fit your schedule.

2021-06-29T12:51:36-04:00September 18, 2020|Our Blog|

Chair One Fitness

Recreational therapist Gina Schulz is leading a new program called Chair One Fitness and our adult day participants are already loving it! Gina took a few minutes to introduce us all to Chair One Fitness.

What is Chair One Fitness?

COF is a high intensity, seated, interactive, total body workout. The mission of COF is “to go beyond boundaries created by perceived limitations enabling everyone to stay active mentally and physically no matter age and ability.”

Who can benefit from Chair One Fitness?

Anyone can benefit from COF, but it is specially designed for individuals who have complications with standing during a fitness regimen. On average a person can burn 225-255 calories during a 45-minute class (with target heart zones at fat burn and cardio levels).

I like working the left side of my body to get it stronger. It makes me happy!

Jessica, Chair One Fitness participant

What are the goals of the program?

COF is designed to keep individuals mobile to ensure they remain progressive in daily function and/or recovery. COF benefits participants physically, mentally and socially.

What is a typical class like?

Class is held for 45-minutes and includes a warm-up, workout and cool down, all to a fun playlist. The entire workout is completed from a seated position. Each song offers a unique routine that works the entire body.

What makes it fun?

The interaction between everyone makes the class a blast. The playlist offers familiar songs that get everyone singing along while sweating it out together!

How does Chair One Fitness differ from other programs?

COF is different because it eliminates the barrier of standing during exercise. It offers a full body workout from a seated position; people participate at their ability.

What are some success stories or statements that you have heard?

One participant who doesn’t like to exercise came to try a class. After her first session, the person said it was so much fun that she signed up for the remaining weeks and has continued to come since then.

The next 6-week session of Chair One Fitness starts Wednesday, September 16, and continues through Wednesday, October 21. Class takes place from 4:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. in our adult day services area at our main facility (4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis). Anyone is welcome to participate; cost is $25 per person or $40 for two people who sign up together.

Registration closes soon. Limited spots are available and will fill up quickly, so contact us to register today for the next session of Chair One Fitness.

2021-06-29T12:51:36-04:00September 11, 2020|Our Blog|

Project SEARCH Indiana begins New Program Year

Project SEARCH at Community Hospital North and Community Hospital East as well as the CHIPS Community Hospital South program are all up and running. Community Hospital North has 13 interns; Community Hospital East has 14 interns; and Community Hospital South has 5 interns.

For the first few weeks, participants are in class to learn all the requirements in order to begin their first internship/work experience. There are 28 mandatory online activities that must be completed prior to the first rotation. With the new way of doing things this year, it is taking a bit longer for each intern to grasp the information, complete the skills test portion and learn the way around the hospital.

The hybrid model of learning has the interns onsite 2-3 days per week (Community South the interns are on site 4 days per week). This hybrid model allows half of the class to be onsite on different days to promote social distancing, as well as allowing adequate time to sanitize the room, supplies and equipment. When the interns are not onsite, they are learning virtually.

Our team leads Kelly Pattison, Melissa Hardesty and Cori Rees have been champions with their interns and their teams to provide the leadership needed to groom and guide each intern toward success.

Many of the interns utilize public transportation to arrive at the hospitals. Team leads at Community North and Community East provided mobility
training to the intern(s) over the summer. During mobility training, safety measures were paramount and interns used hand sanitizer and masks.

Mask wearing has not caused any issues with our interns; maintaining social distance is always a challenge for everyone. There are times when we use hand-over-hand as a teaching tool wearing masks and gloves; constant hand sanitizing is the new way of coaching.

Intern Conner is proud to have already memorized the communication framework tool AIDET adopted by healthcare professionals; he is seemingly off to a great start for this program year!

“Acknowledge the people; Introduce my name; Duration (tell the people how long I may be doing the thing I am doing); Explain to the people what I am doing;” and Thank the people for letting me help them.”

Conner, Project SEARCH Intern
2021-06-29T12:51:36-04:00September 2, 2020|Our Blog|

Shop and Donate

Are you an Amazon shopper?

Easterseals Crossroads can benefit from every purchase you make at Look for Crossroads Rehabilitation Center, Inc., which is our legal name, as your charity of choice on

Once you are logged in to your account, 0.5 percent of your purchases will be routed to Easterseals Crossroads.

If you shop at Amazon, visit our wish list!

If you are an Amazon shopper and can help our program areas with supplies, please consider shopping for Easterseals Crossroads by visiting our charity wish list on Amazon Smile. 

We are in need of educational tools and toys to be used by our therapists in our children’s programs. These tools and toys are used in physical, occupational and speech-language therapy appointments, as well as in our respite and adult day service areas.

Since we create our lists with our most used and needed items, shopping through our charity wish list on Amazon Smile enables us to obtain just what we need. They even ship directly to our office so that we can distribute to the appropriate program area.

Next time you visit Amazon, please choose us as your charity of choice even if you are not able to purchase items from our charity wish list. AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support us every time you shop, at no additional cost to you.

Visit AmazonSmile on your web browser or activate through the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones.

Happy shopping at!

2021-06-29T12:51:37-04:00August 24, 2020|Our Blog|

Support Easterseals Crossroads with Every Walk you Take

image of two women walking and logos of Easterseals Crossroads and Walking for Dreams

Do you enjoy walks outside? If so, please join our virtual walk challenge by raising $10 for Easterseals Crossroads for each walk you take between now and August 31. You can donate yourself or ask your family and friends to support your walks.

Every walk you take benefits you, as well as people with disabilities in our very own community!

Set up is simple; click here to get started.

If you want to ask your friends and family to support you, please use these links for ideas on how to do that:

If you want to help but prefer not to fundraise, please consider a donation in support of our mission. And don’t forget to follow us at #WalkForESC to share your journey!

2021-06-29T12:51:37-04:00August 11, 2020|Our Blog|

Americans with Disabilities Act Achieves 30 Years

On July 26, 2020, the Americans with Disabilities Act is achieving its 30-year anniversary. This reach of this civil rights law has the ability to affect all of us at some point in our lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 25.6 percent of adults in the US have some type of disability; that number is consistent in Indiana at 25.5 percent.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) went into effect in 1990. This law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life. This includes employment, schools and transportation, as well as private and public places such as restaurants, motels and other venues that are open to everyone. Since the law went into effect, there have been significant changes, most specifically in 2008, which strengthened the law and effected change to the definition of disability.

This major legislation has made many improvements in the lives of individuals with disabilities in our country. Prior to this legislation, opportunities of daily living had great potential of denial for people with disabilities.

Meet Scott

Scott is a 64-year-old single man who lives independently. He is an active person and enjoys living in Indianapolis with all the options it provides. Scott has lived in different areas of the country, but has found that he enjoys the midwest moderate climates the best for him. Scott was in an automobile accident in 1980 that left him paralyzed from the waist down. He decided long ago to not let disability change his life, so he quickly adapted to his new way of living, learning, working and playing.

After his accident, Scott knew immediately that he needed to figure out transportation as that would be critical to his daily life. He quickly learned how to drive with hand controls so that he could get to work and around the city where he lived. 

Scott in parking lot next to the ramp on his van

Although very recently retired, Scott worked for the majority of his career managing finances in the business offices of three different churches. After his accident, Scott knew that there would be some changes necessary for him to actually get to his work desk. For that reason, one of his first trips driving with hand controls was a visit to work so that he and his employer could determine what changes were necessary for him to return to his job. 

Accessible Workplaces

Scott’s accident was prior to ADA and access to enter the building where he worked, as well as his office and desk, was not in place. His employer put in a ramp so that Scott could enter the building, modified a bathroom and raised Scott’s desk a few inches so that Scott could access it with his wheelchair. Scott’s employer and he were able to adjust to the accessibility challenges and find solutions so that Scott could continue his employment. Scott felt very fortunate that he was able to return to work within three months of a near fatal accident.

One area of adaptation that did not work out quite so well for Scott in 1980 was accessible housing after his accident. “I had to find new housing as the condo I was living in at the time was not accessible. Luckily, I was able to find an apartment that fit my needs and did not require any modifications,” said Scott.

Accessible Communities

Scott became comfortable moving around within his city, but travel to other cities provided accessibility unknowns prior to ADA. “The most glaring example of lack of accessibility within a city was my trip to New York City for a work conference towards the end of the 1980s. It seemed as though their idea of a curb cut back then was simply a worn-down curb. It was easier for me to move around in my chair out on the street with all the traffic, which was far more dangerous,” said Scott.

Access to restaurants falls under the breadth and reach of ADA as they are public and private businesses. Prior to 1990, Scott remembers going out to dinner many times with no front door access to the restaurant.

“I cannot remember the number of times when I had to enter through the kitchen of a restaurant rather than the front door. One time I had to use a freight elevator to access the dining room. I rode up that elevator with a case of lettuce on the floor right next to me,” said Scott.

Scott lived in Minnesota when ADA was passed. “Minnesota was very progressive and did an amazing job of adopting the regulations of ADA. I moved to Indiana in 1999 and found that the moderate climate here (as compared to Minnesota) was a huge advantage for me. No matter where I have lived or will live, I don’t let much stop me from doing what I want and need to do. I have never let disability change the way I want to live my life,” said Scott.

“I do remember one time where I almost had the opportunity to travel to Europe for a work conference. This was around 1990 and not much had been done in our own country with accessibility. After much discussion, my boss decided that if I attended the conference in Europe, it might end up being more about me and my accommodations as opposed to a learning opportunity. That hurt; I was disappointed, but sadly I understand the concerns,” said Scott.

Public Awareness of ADA

Thirty years later, the Americans with Disabilities Act continues to reflect our nation’s dedication to civil rights for people with disabilities, especially in consideration of accessibility.  “Awareness and access are the biggest outcomes of ADA, which is great,” said Scott.

According to a report by Lex Frieden in 2015, The Impact of the ADA in American Communities, ADA has helped people gain access to public accommodations with attention to things like curb ramps, accessible parking, buses with lifts and ramps, etc.—making media more accessible with closed captioning and relay services. The ADA’s greatest impact has been improvements in access to public accommodations. Of respondents, 57 percent agree access to public accommodations, retail and commercial establishments has shown the greatest improvement since passage of the ADA.

Employment Opportunities

As for employment, it is generally agreed that people with disabilities remain a very viable and qualified talent pool, yet statistically untapped. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 19.3 percent of persons with a disability were employed in 2019. In contrast, the employment-population ratio for persons without a disability was 66.3 percent. This statistic is consistent across all educational attainment groups with unemployment rates for persons with a disability being higher than those for persons without a disability.

“I feel as though employment is still the biggest challenge and hurdle for people with disabilities in our community and our country,” said Scott. 

Businesses in our community have the advantage of an employment resource in Easterseals Crossroads. Our employment division worked with 3,588 veterans and individuals with disabilities last year to gain successful employment outcomes. Learn how the employment division at Easterseals Crossroads can help you find qualified job candidates with disabilities for your open positions.

Celebrate 30 years of ADA by learning more at the National Network – Information, Guidance and Training on the Americans with Disabilities Act 

2021-06-29T12:51:37-04:00July 21, 2020|Our Blog|
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