Social Skill Development through Play with Parents

Social Skill Development through Play with Parents

contributed by Emmaleigh Badeaux, MA, LMHCa, and Tracy Gale, PsyD, HSPP, Easterseals Crossroads

child playing with a balloon with an adult

Parents can serve as ideal playmates to improve children’s social skills through play. Here are some things to keep in mind to increase your child’s social learning:

  • Provide specific praise during appropriate social behaviors, such as sharing, taking turns, and staying calm when things don’t go their way. For example, you may say, “I love how you stayed calm when your tower fell down!” Using specific praise during play, and throughout the day, is an excellent way to teach pro-social skills and build your child’s self-esteem at the same time.
  • Play with creative toys, such as blocks, trains, and crayons, to allow for increased engagement, collaborative play, and improved problem solving. This provides opportunities for practicing the skills they will use when playing with their peers. You can model play skills, saying things like, “I’d really like to play with the red train. Could you hand that to me, please?”
  • If your child engages in inappropriate behavior that is not dangerous during play, ignore it for the moment. Later, when he or she is calm, you can briefly discuss how their behavior made you feel to help build their understanding that others have thoughts about their behaviors. You may say things like, “When you took that train from me without asking, it made me feel sad and like you didn’t want to play with me.” Then, help your child come up with ideas about what they could do differently next time, such as, “When I want something from a friend, I ask them if I could take a turn.” After this short conversation, be sure to provide specific praise when they appropriately use the skill that you discussed.
  • When in doubt, do what they’re doing! Be engaged in the play, even if you only have a few moments. Try to be enthusiastic and get animated! By being fun and silly, you are strengthening your bond with your child and increasing their understanding of social relationships and interaction.
2021-06-29T12:51:44-04:00July 16, 2019|Our Blog|

Meet our CampAbility Counselors

counselor with camper at CampAbility

CampAbility counselors are so excited about this year’s camp season! Each counselor brings the fun, creativity, excitement and the interest to make CampAbility the best experience for our families and campers.

image of Rachel Everest

Rachel Everest | Counselor
This is Rachel’s first year at CampAbility. She is a special education instructional assistant in Franklin Township. After camp, she is headed back to school to earn her special education teaching license through WGU. In her free time, she loves being outside and exploring Indy!

image of Lexa Gilley

Lexa Gilley | Counselor
Lexa is a sophomore at the University of Indianapolis studying psychology pre-occupational therapy. In her free time, she loves outdoors activities like hiking and swimming. This is her first year working at camp and she is so excited to work with campers, families and staff.

image of Mallory Kimmell

Mallory Kimmell | Counselor
This is Mallory’s first summer working at CampAbility. She is studying at the University of Dayton where she plays softball. Mallory loves spending time with her family. She is so excited to be at camp this summer.

image of Grace Leon

Grace Leon | Counselor
Grace is a senior at Indiana University studying psychology and counseling. Her dream job has always been to work with children with disabilities and she is looking forward to getting one step closer to that goal through CampAbility this summer! She cannot wait to learn more from the camp kids and she hopes that they learn from her, too!

image of Erin Losin

Erin Losin | Counselor
Erin is so excited for CampAbility this summer! She will be a senior this fall at Saint Louis University studying speech pathology with a minor in special education. In her free time, she loves to spend time with her family and friends, read, sing and go on bike rides.

image of Faith Roe

Faith Roe | Counselor
Faith is super excited to work with campers this summer! She is a sophomore at Indiana University studying recreational therapy with occupational therapy as her career goal. She cannot wait to work with your kids at CampAbility.

image of Sarah Satterfield

Sarah Satterfield | Counselor
Sarah is a rising junior at Miami University in social work and psychology. She is so excited for her second summer at camp. She cannot wait to see all the returning campers and meet all the new kids. Here’s to a great summer!

image of Kashayla Sidhu

Kashayla Sidhu – Counselor
Kashayla is so excited for her first summer at CampAbility. She is a rising junior at Butler University majoring in communication sciences and disorders. She loves working with children and cannot wait to have a great summer with all the campers.

image of Alexa Susemichel

Alexa Susemichel | Counselor
This is Alexa’s third year at camp. She is so excited to work with the returning campers and meet the new ones. She will be a senior at Ball State where she is studying exercise science and psychology with hopes of becoming an occupational therapist. She cannot wait for the new experiences this summer will bring and the relationships to come.

image of Jenn Switalski

Jenn Switalski | Counselor
This is Jenn’s second summer at camp. During the school year, she teaches English as a new language in an elementary school. In her free time she loves being outside, reading and all types of animals.

2021-06-29T12:51:44-04:00June 27, 2019|Our Blog|

Camp FUEL Staff

Camp FUEL is a day camp for adolescents with disabilities or special needs who are ages 11 – 17 years old. FUEL stands for Fun and Unique Experiential Learning and that is exactly what the group enjoys as they enjoy field trips, activities and special guests.

image of Sydnee Henson

Sydnee Henson | Lead Counselor
This is Sydnee’s second year at Camp FUEL. She is a life skills teacher at Marion High School. She is passionate about hiking, coffee, McDonalds’ coke, at-risk youth and individuals with disabilities. She is looking forward to another amazing year at Camp FUEL

image of Katie Lawless

Katie Lawless | Counselor
This is Katie’s second year at Camp FUEL. We had so much fun last summer as a group that we are back for more! When she is not at Camp FUEL, she is spending time with her daughter who just graduated from North Central High School. Her daughter is headed off to college in Rhode Island this fall.

image of Joe Mattingly

Joe Mattingly | Counselor
Joe is excited to return as a counselor for Camp FUEL this summer! He is currently working at Beech Grove High School with students with special needs. His hobbies include watching lots of movies, being a Cubs fan and watching a lot of IU basketball. He is excited to see all the returning faces at Camp FUEL and meet all of our new campers!

2021-06-29T12:51:44-04:00June 19, 2019|Our Blog|

CampAbility Lead Staff

CampAbility has just begun its 2019 season! CampAbility is our summer day camp for children with disabilities who are 4-10 years old. Our counselors are the absolute best; they are professionals who create meaningful activities and memories for our families and campers!

Our lead program staff for CampAbility are all returning staff members who love working together with our families. Welcome back to our lead counselors!

image of Tim Blanusa

Tim Blanusa – Camp Coordinator
Tim is very excited to be the camp coordinator this year for both CampAbility (ages 4 – 10) and Camp FUEL (ages 10 – 18). During the school year, Tim is a special education teacher, but he has made it a summer priority to work with camp for the past five years. Throughout the years, he has learned a variety of ways to provide a high level of care and a great experience for campers.

Easterseals Crossroads’ camps adapt activities to ensure that every child has a great experience. This year I am excited to play a role in both camps and help create the memorable moments that mean so much to our campers.

Tim Blanusa
image of Hannah Fogo

Hannah Fogo – Lead Counselor
This is Hannah’s fifth year at CampAbility. During the school year, she is a resource teacher at The Early Learning Center at Winding Ridge in Lawrence Township. In her spare time, she enjoys trying new restaurants and spending time with friends and family. She is so excited to be back at CampAbility and to build new relationships with our campers and families.

CampAbility has been part of my life for five summers, and I wouldn’t want to spend my summers any other way. Each year the staff come together to create a safe, understanding environment where all campers have a terrific camp experience. My favorite part about CampAbility is seeing how each camper grows throughout the summer from year to year.

Hannah Fogo
image of Tim Keating

Tim Keating – Lead Counselor
This is Tim’s sixth summer at CampAbility. He is an early elementary special education teacher and he works at Easterseals Crossroads respite program as well. Tim has his bachelor’s degree in social work an his master’s degree in special education. In his free time, Tim enjoys reading and getting outside. Tim is excited for another opportunity to have an amazing summer with our campers!

CampAbility is such an amazing camp because it accepts children with all different abilities and staff work very diligently to meet every one of those camper’s needs. I always come back to CamAbility because of the fun work environment.

Tim Keating
image of Megan Saunders

Megan Saunders – Lead Counselor
Megan is a graduate student at Bradley University studying clinical mental health counseling. She recently graduated from Bradley with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and Spanish. This is Megan’s fourth year at camp.

This is my first year as a camp lead. I am so excited to step into this new role and make this the best summer yet for all of our campers!

Megan Saunders
2021-06-29T12:51:44-04:00June 17, 2019|Our Blog|

Meet iCan Bike Intern Josie

iCan Bike – a program of iCan Shine – is a camp for individuals with special needs who want to learn to ride a two-wheeled bicycle. Easterseals Crossroads brings this program to Indianapolis each year for the benefit of 40 potential riders.

Josie Bucker is a veteran iCan Bike spotter and volunteer; as a young girl, she first tagged along with her mom in 2009. Josie’s mom helped with the camp when it first started here as Lose the Training Wheels, and each year she found more ways to get Josie involved. Josie grew from initially “hanging out in the Perry Park Ice Skating Rink lobby while her mom worked” to doing much-needed jobs here and there. Once she became old enough to be a spotter, she jumped at the chance and has been spotting (running alongside) participants each summer since.

Josie is now a sophomore in the Honors College Barrett at Arizona State University where she is the leader of the Disabilities and Empowerment Mission Team. In this role, she collaborates with peers who have similar passion for working with individuals with special needs. Easterseals Crossroads is excited that Josie has once again returned to iCan Bike. This year, she is our intern and she has been instrumental in much of the behind- the-scenes work that it takes every year to bring the camp to Indianapolis.

The success of iCan Bike relies heavily on volunteers; each of the 40 participants need a team of spotters to run alongside them while they learn. We have been fortunate to enlist the help from high school coaches on the south side to recruit our volunteers, an astounding group of 80 athletes who want to run for a good cause! Athletes and coaches at Perry Meridian High School and Roncalli High School join us each year in our mission of making profound, positive differences in people’s lives every day.

iCan Bike has a resounding rate of success; approximately 80 percent of the camp participants are able to independently ride a two-wheeled bicycle by the end of the program week. With her many years of spotting behind her, Josie has found that success is really subjective. “Even if a participant isn’t able to make it to two wheels by the end of camp, the rider has gained confidence and other skills that are transferable. We have had some kids who were scared to even sit on a bike, but by the end of camp they gained the confidence to start pedaling,” said Josie.

“I look forward to iCan bike every year. I love the smiles on the kid’s faces the best. This camp allows people to reach milestones that many of them never dreamed possible. It is an amazing feeling to be part of something like this.” said Josie.

Motivation is sometimes a factor in learning to ride. Josie remembers one year where a boy refused to ride. Volunteers tried to motivate him, but nothing seemed to work. Josie’s mom, Becky Brehob, was this boy’s spotter that year and stepped in to help.

The boy said that he wanted to throw a pie in her face, and Becky turned that statement into motivation by promising him that if he got up on two wheels by the last day of the five-day camp, he could throw a pie in her face. She came prepared with a whipped cream pie on that Friday, the rider made it to two-wheels and the pie was thrown.

Through the years, Josie has seen lots of happy kids and lots of happy parents. “Most of the kids are really excited to do something that many of their friends can do. I hear a lot of appreciation from parents who say that they have tried for years to get their child to ride a bike but have never been successful,” said Josie.

Volunteer spotters really get as much out of the camp as do the participants and families. Each participant is paired with the same small group of spotters for each session throughout the five days of camp. This pairing allows for bonding and trust tends to follow. “At the end of camp, volunteers are sad to leave their riders. I frequently hear volunteers say how proud they are of their riders,” said Josie.

iCan Bike helps a participant reach a significant milestone of independence, and we at Easterseals Crossroads are committed to helping individuals with disabilities in our community reach their maximum level of independence. Volunteers like Josie help us make that happen! If you have any time this summer, contact us to see how you can help us make a difference in our community.

2021-06-29T12:51:44-04:00May 24, 2019|Our Blog|

Walking for Dreams Thanks

Due to inclement weather on Sunday, May 19, Walking for Dreams was canceled. We so appreciate our families, partners, sponsors, coworkers, friends and pets who signed up to participate. Even though we could not actually celebrate with everyone at the walk, our numbers show us that the Walking for Dreams Family and Pet Walk was a success for Easterseals Crossroads as an organization. Thank you for being such a huge part of that success!

Walking for Dreams by the Numbers

  • Number of Teams: 20
  • Number of Total Registrants: 140
  • Amount Raised: $36,210

TOTAL PROFIT: $35,670 (as of Monday, May 20, 2019)

We realize that some individuals might have wanted to donate at the event, so we are keeping our donation site open through the end of the week for those who may still be interested in supporting us through a donation.

The money that individuals brought in for this event goes directly to serve the programs and services that we provide for our Indianapolis community. Thank you to you, our generous sponsors – Community Health Network, Anthem, AON, Sponsel CPA Group and The Delectable Dane as well as our anonymous supporter for allowing us to continue making profound, positive differences in people’s lives every day.

Thank you again for your support of this event. We are in awe of the commitment, dedication and passion that was demonstrated for our organization, our consumers and our community.

Thank you to our Walking for Dreams sponsors!

Community Health Network logo
Lead Sponsor
aon logo
Sponsel logo
2021-06-29T12:51:45-04:00May 22, 2019|Our Blog|

Job Seeking? Register for Career Expo!

Career Expo 2019 is the place to meet representatives from businesses in our community and discuss potential job opportunities. You must be a job seeker with a disability to attend Career Expo and you must register to attend.

Easterseals Crossroads has partnered with the State of Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Help the World Foundation and Sycamore Services to bring employers and qualified candidates together for our sixth, one-day career event. Registration is still open for businesses in our community to attend.

When: Thursday, May 30, 2019  |  9 a.m. — 12 p.m.

Where: Easterseals Crossroads, 5th Floor Conference Rooms,
4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN

The following businesses will be attending Career Expo 2019:

  • Community Health Network
  • Crossroads Industrial Services
  • Eskenazi Health
  • Fastenal
  • FedEx
  • GetGo
  • Goodwill Commercial Services
  • Huntington Bank
  • Indiana University Health
  • Inktel Contact Center Solutions
  • Kroger
  • Marion County Prosecutor’s Office
  • Marshalls
  • Old National Bank
  • University of Indianapolis / Quest Food Management
  • Woodforest National Bank
  • YMCA of Greater Indianapolis

Please contact us with any questions.

2021-06-29T12:51:45-04:00May 14, 2019|Our Blog|

Still Time to Join us at Walking for Dreams

What: Walking for Dreams Family and Pet Walk

When: Sunday, May 19, 2019  |  2 p.m. Walk Begins

Where: Downtown Canal at Buggs Temple (11th & Senate Avenue, Indianapolis)

Easterseals Crossroads is excited to be part of Walking for Dreams, a joint fundraiser where local nonprofits share the day.

Individuals of all ages can show support by registering to walk. We are asking for minimum donations of $35 for individual registrations and $75 for family registrations. During the registration process, you will have the option to pay your registration donation; create a fundraising page to be sponsored by family and friends; and create or join a team. Teams and individuals can then fundraise to benefit services at Easterseals Crossroads for individuals with disabilities. Invite your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors to walk with you or donate.

Can’t make it for the walk? Make a donation to help others at Easterseals Crossroads who are Walking for Dreams on Sunday, May 19.

Thank you to our Walking for Dreams sponsors!

Community Health Network logo
Lead Sponsor
aon logo
Sponsel logo
2021-06-29T12:51:45-04:00May 9, 2019|Our Blog|

Meet Amy – New PT, DPT

Amy Lerma has recently joined our team of physical therapists at Easterseals Crossroads. We are so happy to have her as a member of our children’s service professionals; she is highly qualified, ready and excited to work with our families!

Physical therapy for children can help build muscle strength and flexibility; improve coordination and balance; and develop the control needed for movement. At Easterseals Crossroads, we work with families to create plans to develop motor skills that are important for a child’s success at home, school and in the community.

Amy is a pediatric physical therapist with over six years of experience. She is a graduate of Purdue University and she received her doctorate from Midwestern University. She is passionate about helping children reach their full potential; her experience in orthotics along with her training in NDT and First Steps credentials all combine to help her families achieve their goals.

Amy began her career in 2012. She has worked in a variety of settings such as outpatient orthopedic adult and pediatrics, hospital settings (outpatient and inpatient) and long-term care facilities. She has also worked in First Steps, which really allowed her to understand the therapy path many children take. All this has helped her shape the way she facilitates her therapy sessions.

Amy is excited to be part of the Easterseals Crossroads team because she had always heard great things about what we do from families and other therapists. She believes our team approach with occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists are an essential part of pediatric therapy.

“Children can often be involved in therapy for an extended period of time. Having a great relationship with your therapist or therapists can make a huge difference in outcomes. I am honored to be an advocate for my kids and my families.

At Easterseals Crossroads, we have access to a tremendous amount of resources that can help our families achieve their therapy goals. Additionally, we offer community activities such as summer camps and respite night outs that serve as a great adjunct to therapy.”

Amy Lerma

To learn more about therapy for your child or to request services, contact us.

2021-06-29T12:51:45-04:00April 25, 2019|Our Blog|

Career Expo for Businesses

Easterseals Crossroads has partnered with the State of Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Help the World Foundation and Sycamore Services to bring employers and qualified candidates together for our sixth, one-day career event. Registration is open for businesses in our community to attend.

When: Thursday, May 30, 2019  |  9 a.m. — 12 p.m.

Where: Easterseals Crossroads, 5th Floor Conference Rooms, 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN

Career Expo 2019 is the place to find qualified employment candidates and add diversity to your workplace! Join other organizations and explore our Career Expo as an alternative recruitment strategy. Central Indiana businesses from a variety of industries will be represented to meet our screened and motivated individuals with disabilities seeking careers.

Registration Information for Businesses

Each business will be provided with a table and chairs appropriate for two representatives and internet access. Private interviewing space for on-the-spot interviews is available if needed. There is a $25 registration fee for businesses; register today!

Thank you to the following organizations who have already signed up:

  • Community Health Network
  • Crossroads Industrial Services
  • Eskenazi Health
  • Fastenal
  • GetGo
  • Goodwill Commercial Services
  • Huntington Bank
  • Indiana University Health
  • Inktel Contact Center Solutions
  • Kroger
  • Marion County Prosecutor’s Office
  • Old National Bank
  • University of Indianapolis / Quest Food Management
  • Woodforest National Bank
  • YMCA of Greater Indianapolis

Registration for job seekers is now open!

2021-06-29T12:51:45-04:00April 19, 2019|Our Blog|
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