Autism Awareness Series

During April each year, our Autism Family Resource Center presents a series of topics about autism. This year, we are bringing a diverse series designed for parents and caregivers of individuals with autism each Wednesday evening in April.

April 3 | Topic: Easterseals Camps

Goal: Have all of your camp questions answered, turn in your paperwork and make final payments.
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: Easterseals Crossroads — 5th Floor Board Room

April 10 | Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Goal: Learn what ABA is and how you as a parent can use the principles of ABA to help your child achieve his/her maximum potential.
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: Easterseals Crossroads — 5th Board Room

April 17 | Topic: Sibling Support Night

Goal: Siblings of individuals on the spectrum will discuss their experiences. Pamela Thompson of Meaningful Day Services will discuss their sibling support program.
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: Easterseals Crossroads — 5th Board Room

April 24 | Topic: Supporting your Child on the Spectrum through Puberty

Goal: Learn strategies to prepare your child for the transition from childhood to adulthood.
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: Easterseals Crossroads — 5th Board Room

Childcare will be provided for children (6 months to 12 years old) who are registered. Childcare availability is limited; you must register for childcare by the Monday prior to each session by calling Bonnie at 317.466.1000 x2488.

For more information, please contact Bonnie Fisher, Autism Resource Specialist, at

2021-06-29T12:51:45-04:00April 4, 2019|Our Blog|

Walking for Dreams

Easterseals Crossroads is excited to be part of Walking for Dreams on Sunday, May 19 – a 5K Family and Pet Walk that was created to help nonprofit organizations raise funds to serve individuals in our community.

Local organizations share the day in this joint fundraiser organized under Walking for Dreams. Walkers of all ages will join together to support their special organization by raising pledges and participating.


  • Register and make your initial donation of $35 (for individual) or $75 (family of up to two adults and all children under 22). You registration fee is considered a donation; we ask that everyone make this initial donation at the time of registration.
  • Create or join a team to make fundraising fun! Set goals and raise money for your team.
  • Fundraise! You can do this all kinds of ways.
    • Create your own fundraising page during the registration process.
    • Ask family and friends to donate to either you or to Easterseals Crossroads in general.
    • Collect offline donations. Cash and checks (payable to Easterseals Crossroads) may be sent to Easterseals Crossroads, Attn: AnneMarie Chambers/WFD19, 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46205.

Join us on Sunday, May 19, with your friends, your family, your pet, your coworkers or by yourself to walk the canal in this 5K event. Walk, have fun and support Easterseals Crossroads on what we know will be a beautiful day in downtown Indianapolis!

We ask that all registration (donation) fees are paid before the walk begins on Sunday, May 19. All monies will be accepted onsite at the Easterseals Crossroads check-in table. Cash, check (made payable to Easterseals Crossroads) and credit card payments will be accepted.


All donations and money raised for Easterseals Crossroads will go directly toward helping thousands of families living with disability in central Indiana. This means that YOU could be helping individuals receive life-changing and vital services to live more independent lives.

donate link
smiling boy with camp counselor
Career Expo text box with link to page and registration
link box to 2018 video annual report
ad box and link to 2018 print annual report
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link to pdf of our Privacy Practices
2021-06-29T12:51:45-04:00March 27, 2019|Our Blog|

Disability Awareness Month

March is Disability Awareness Month in Indiana. According to the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities, our state’s population includes approximately 19 percent of adults and children who have disabilities. Awareness, inclusion and independence are goals for the month of March and the Council has prepared an awareness campaign with the theme of Be Cool. We Are. Everyone can help spread the word with this year’s Be Cool. We Are. materials available at the following links.

Order a campaign kit with poster, bookmarks and more.

Visit the Downloads Library for ideas about creating awareness in your school, business, social organizations and communities.

Ways to Get Involved

Individual Volunteer Activities. Easterseals Crossroads has ongoing opportunities for individuals in our community to become involved with us. We regularly have childcare opportunities for individuals 18+ years of age on Friday evenings for our Parents’ Night Out program that operates at several locations around the city.

Complete a volunteer application.

Group Volunteer Opportunities. Group volunteer opportunities at Easterseals Crossroads can include general maintenance activities, cleaning activities and more. We welcome small groups from businesses in our community to spend volunteer time with us. We can arrange a day of caring and provide morning or afternoon activities for your group.

Contact us to arrange a group volunteer activity.

Register for the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge. Promoted by Easterseals Southern California, the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge give filmmakers – with and without disabilities – the opportunity to collaborate and tell unique stories that showcase disability in its many forms. The film challenge is a weekend-long contest, open to all, that provides a platform for new voices in the entertainment industry. Registration is open through April 3, 2019.

Register for the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge.

Form a Walking for Dreams Team. On May 19, 2019, Easterseals Crossroads is participating in Walking for Dreams, a 5K Family and Pet Walk to help local nonprofits raise funds to help them serve individuals in our community. Local organizations share the day in this joint fundraiser where walkers of all ages will join together to support their own specific organization by raising pledges, donating and walking.

Register for Walking for Dreams today.

Donate. Donations help Easterseals Crossroads assist children and adults achieve milestones in independence. Your contribution supports our mission to promote inclusion, independence and dignity for the many people whose lives are affected by disability or special needs.

Make a donation to Easterseals Crossroads.

2021-06-29T12:51:46-04:00March 15, 2019|Our Blog|

Bingo Thank YOU

On February 22, we celebrated with over 400 of our sponsors, partners, donors, staff and friends at our annual Bingo Bonanza. A signature event for Easterseals Crossroads, Bingo Bonanza has been a truly unique gathering for almost 20 years with our presenting sponsor, Century 21 Scheetz.

Century 21 Scheetz involves all of their offices and the end result is a terrific crowd having an amazing, crazy time with bingo games, fun and prizes. And the best part? Easterseals Crossroads benefits from the generosity of Century 21 Scheetz and our bingo guests.

This year, our 80s-themed night was totally tubular! We could not have done this without our presenting sponsor CENTURY 21 ScheetzHSA Home Warranty, Century 21 Scheetz FoundationMilestone Home LendingHuntington National BankIndiana Residential, Nova Home InspectionsMeridian Title Corporation, Braden Business Systems, Shepherd InsuranceTish FlooringPillar To Post Home Inspectors – The Jon Carrothers TeamHouseMaster Home Inspections of Central IndianaMitsch DesignCornerstone Inspection Services, Chicago Title and Security Home Inspections.

Here are some photos from the fun; mark your calendars for next February and watch for information as the year progresses. We hope you can join us for all the fun every year at Bingo Bonanza!

6 bingo bonanza photos of guests having fun and playing bingo
2021-06-29T12:51:46-04:00February 26, 2019|Our Blog|

Celebrating Recreational Therapy

February is Recreational Therapy Month and at Easterseals Crossroads, we are dedicated to increasing awareness of recreational therapy services and the professionals who provide these services. February has been chosen as the month to start that conversation.

Recreation therapy is individualized for each person according to past and present interests and overall lifestyle. Recreational therapists evaluate the needs of the person by taking into consideration the social, physical and cognitive make up of the individual. Recreational therapists introduce the concept of healthy living into the therapy sessions to make certain that therapy relates to all aspects of an individual’s life.

“The recreation therapy program is one more way we provide opportunities to make positive differences in people’s lives every day through recreational and leisure activities, ” said Wendy Miers who is our director of Community Day Supports at Easterseals Crossroads. Recreational therapist Gina Schulz notices the differences on a daily basis with those with whom she works. “Individuals have told me that they look forward to recreational therapy because it makes them feel happy, helps them lose weight and gives them an opportunity to have fun. When incorporated into daily life, recreational therapy helps people work toward and achieve their goals,” said Gina.

Recreational therapy is provided by qualified professionals known as Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists (CTRS). Requirements to be become a CTRS include a Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited university, a formal clinical internship and passing a national competency exam administered by the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC).

Easterseals Crossroads currently has five CTRS professionals: Jenny Weber, Cassandra Firchau, Alesha Barnette, Meg Lambertus and Gina Schulz. Our CTRS provide services to children, teens and adults at home, in the community and in our adult day program.

To learn more about recreational therapy services, contact us.

2021-06-29T12:51:46-04:00February 11, 2019|Our Blog|

Sertoma Valentine’s Day Rose Sale

For the past several years, Sertoma Club of North Downtown Indianapolis has sold florist quality roses for Valentine’s Day to benefit Easterseals Crossroads. Once again, they will continue this fundraiser on our behalf.

The roses are absolutely beautiful and the best part is that people can preorder and then pick them up at Easterseals Crossroads on Valentine’s Day from 12 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

One dozen roses boxed with greenery are $48; one half dozen roses in a vase with greenery are $30; and a spray of three roses in a vase with greenery are $18.

Orders can be placed online at Sertoma Club of North Downtown Indianapolis’ website. You can also call the club’s president Patricia Schafer at 317.289.8201 to place an order, ask about delivery or ask any other questions you might have. Be sure to order soon; they will sell out! A Sertoma member will contact individuals after orders are placed to confirm the order.

2021-06-29T12:51:46-04:00January 30, 2019|Our Blog|

Early Bird Camp Registration

We know it’s winter, but we are already thinking about summer camp!
Summer camp season is just around the corner and that means that it is time for Early Bird Registration for three of our popular summer camps. Each year, we respond to the needs for quality camps from our families who have children and adolescents with special needs. Our answer is camping options that are super fun and educational! 
Register for CampAbility, Camp ROCKS or Camp FUEL between January 17 and February 28 and save $100 per session!
CampAbility – Download 2019 CampAbility Registration Form
CampAbility is a summer day camp for children with disabilities ages 4 through 10 that takes place at Hilltop Developmental Preschool. This year, we will offer three, two-week sessions:

  • Session 1: June 10 – June 20 (Monday – Thursday)
  • Session 2: June 24 – July 3 (Monday – Thursday, week 1; Monday – Wednesday, week 2)
  • Session 3: July 8 – July 18 (Monday – Thursday)

Camp FUEL (Fun Unique Experiential Learning) – Download 2019 Camp FUEL Registration Form
Camp FUEL is a summer day camp for adolescents with disabilities ages 11 through 17 that takes place at J Everett Light Career Center. This year, we will offer three, two-week sessions: 

  • Session 1: June 10 – June 20 (Monday – Thursday)
  • Session 2: June 24 – July 3 (Monday – Thursday, week 1; Monday – Wednesday, week 2)
  • Session 3: July 8 – July 18 (Monday – Thursday)

Camp ROCKS (Respecting Other’s Capabilities is the Key to Success)
Download 2019 Camp ROCKS Registration Form
Camp ROCKS is a 5-night/6-day outdoor camp experience at Bradford Woods for children and adolescents on the autism spectrum who are 10 through 18 years of age.

  • June 9 – June 14
2021-06-29T12:51:46-04:00January 17, 2019|Our Blog|

Bingo Bonanza Tickets on Sale Now

Northside Knights of Columbus  |  2100 E. 71st Street  |  Indianapolis, IN
6:30 p.m. Dinner  |  7:15 p.m. Bingo  |  Special Bingo License 148148

century 21 scheetz logo
Our very popular Bingo Bonanza is returning again this year on February 22, 2019. Presented by our partner, Century 21 Scheetz, the event promises to be another fantastic evening of fun, bingo, food and prizes for a great cause!
Tickets – Download Order Form

  • Tickets are $50 advance sale only & include 3 game cards for each of 7 games, buffet dinner & 2 drink tickets. There will be complimentary water & soda.
  • Due to charity gaming laws, tickets can only be purchased via cash or check. A limited amount of tickets are available; purchase early.
  • To purchase event tickets via mail and check, please complete the ticket order form and send it to Easterseals Crossroads, Bingo Bonanza, 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46205. We will call you to confirm your order and we can hold your tickets in Will Call for you. Please make checks payable to Easterseals Crossroads.
  • You can also visit our location to purchase tickets; please call AnneMarie Chambers at 317.466.1000 x2600 before February 21.
  • Amounts above $20 per Bingo Bonanza ticket are considered tax deductible as allowed by law.

About the Night

  • Have your group dress in favorite 80s movie-themed costumes; there will be a trophy! Think Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Top Gun, ET, Sixteen Candles — think 80s and go all out!
  • Doors open at 6 p.m. Large groups are encouraged to arrive early to ensure sitting together; groups of 10 or more can request reserved seats.
  • We will play 7 games of bingo for exciting prizes valued up to $1,000 per game. There will be all kinds of crazy contests in between games for added fun!
  • If you need any special accommodations (vision, hearing, seating, etc.), please phone AnneMarie at 317.466.1000 x2600 or email her at
  • Individuals must be 21+ years of age to attend; identification will be checked at registration.
  • The Northside Knights of Columbus is located 1/2 block west of Keystone Avenue on East 71st Street in Indianapolis; the facility has plenty of free parking.

About the Extras

  • One bonus bingo game will be played for the chance to win a $1,000 cash prize. Bonus game cards are available for $20 per card or $30 for a two-card pack and will be sold at the event.
  • Packs of 3 additional game cards are available for $10 and will be sold at the event.
  • Beer and wine tickets will be sold for $5 each if you wish to purchase additional drinks.

Bingo Bonanza header with text about event

2021-06-29T12:51:46-04:00January 7, 2019|Our Blog|

Happy 2019!

Happy New Year from all of us at Easterseals Crossroads! If getting involved with a community resource is on your to-do-list for 2019, please connect with us! We have many ways in which you can get to know us.
We are your community resource dedicated to serving individuals with disabilities achieve milestones in independence from birth through later life. One of over 70 Easterseals affiliates throughout the country, we are a United Way agency offering CARF accredited programs in Indiana.
We help make positive outcomes for the many people who use our services. This past year, we served a total of 7,145 individuals with disabilities or special needs. Many of the individuals we serve have no other means of accessing assistance; their needs would go unmet without our services.

How you can help:  Because our ability to deliver much-needed services can be threatened by insufficient funding in any program year, community support is critical to our agency. Acting for Easterseals Crossroads today allows us to remain the resource you may need on a future day.
Donate. Donations help us assist children and adults achieve milestones in independence. Your contribution supports our mission to promote inclusion, independence and dignity for the many people whose lives are affected by disability or special needs.
Volunteer. Volunteers help us achieve milestones for people with disabilities in our community. If you have time to give, we have opportunities for you to work directly with children or adults in areas such as our weekly respite program. Businesses and organizations who want a meaningful group experience can join us for Days of Service. We welcome individuals or groups to become involved with us for third-party events, such as walks/runs where we are recognized as a charity partner.
Attend an event.  Check our website and follow us on social media to learn more about our events throughout the year like our culinary event, non-event event, ability walk and our very popular Bingo Bonanza held annually in February. Tickets for Bingo Bonanza go on sale January 7, 2019.

2021-06-29T12:51:46-04:00January 2, 2019|Our Blog|
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