Bingo Bonanza 2019 is Coming Soon!

Northside Knights of Columbus  |  2100 E. 71st Street  |  Indianapolis, IN
6:30 p.m. Dinner  |  7:15 p.m. Bingo  |  Special Bingo License 148148
century 21 scheetz logo
Our very popular Bingo Bonanza is returning again this year on February 22, 2019. Presented by our partner, Century 21 Scheetz, the event promises to be another fantastic evening of fun, bingo, food and prizes for a great cause!
Ticket Sales begin January 7, 2019

  • Tickets are $50 advance sale only & include 3 game cards for each of 7 games, buffet dinner & 2 drink tickets. There will be complimentary water & soda.
  • Due to charity gaming laws, tickets can only be purchased via cash or check. A limited amount of tickets are available; purchase early.
  • Our order form will be posted on our website on January 7; you can complete the form and mail your order in. To purchase event tickets via mail and check, please complete the form and send it to Easterseals Crossroads, Bingo Bonanza, 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46205. We will call you to confirm your order and we can hold your tickets in Will Call for you. Please make checks payable to Easterseals Crossroads.
  • You can also visit our location to purchase tickets; please call AnneMarie Chambers at 317.466.1000 x2600 before February 21.
  • Amounts above $20 per Bingo Bonanza ticket are considered tax deductible as allowed by law.

About the Night

  • Have your group dress in favorite 80s movie-themed costumes; there will be a trophy! Think Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Top Gun, ET, Sixteen Candles — think 80s and go all out!
  • Doors open at 6 p.m. Large groups are encouraged to arrive early to ensure sitting together; groups of 10 or more can request reserved seats.
  • We will play 7 games of bingo for exciting prizes valued up to $1,000 per game. There will be all kinds of crazy contests in between games for added fun!
  • If you need any special accommodations (vision, hearing, seating, etc.), please phone AnneMarie at 317.466.1000 x2600 or email her at
  • Individuals must be 21+ years of age to attend; identification will be checked at registration.
  • The Northside Knights of Columbus is located 1/2 block west of Keystone Avenue on East 71st Street in Indianapolis; the facility has plenty of free parking.

About the Extras

  • One bonus bingo game will be played for the chance to win a $1,000 cash prize. Bonus game cards are available for $20 per card or $30 for a two-card pack and will be sold at the event.
  • Packs of 3 additional game cards are available for $10 and will be sold at the event.
  • Beer and wine tickets will be sold for $5 each if you wish to purchase additional drinks.
2021-06-29T12:51:47-04:00December 17, 2018|Our Blog|

Milestones of Independence Continuation Stories

Our Easterseals Crossroads Annual Report 2018 continuation stories are now available. The
annual report referenced four individuals with whom we worked during the year.
Their stories are told in the following videos:
. . . Becoming Mobile
Erionna’s story focuses on how we are helping a 6-year-old in physical therapy. Kathleen Brinegar is working with Erionna and her family as she is making progress on sitting, holding her head up, standing and becoming mobile with her gait trainer.

. . . Figuring Things Out
Kayla is an 18-year-old intern at Project SEARCH East who works with Keith Fox in learning the skills she needs to obtain a position in the healthcare industry. The year-long program is assisting Kayla as she figures things out.

. . . Making Her Way
Samantha is a 25-year-old young woman who worked with our Employment Division to get her career going after she had an accident that caused a traumatic brain injury. Sam works at the Benjamin Harrison YMCA is she is truly making her way.

. . . Maintaining Independence
Scott is an individual who worked with Mary Follman in our Driver Evaluation and Training program to assist him with vehicle modifications. Scott was involved in an accident when he was 24 years old that resulted in paralysis from the waist down. Scott’s vehicle modifications are helping him in maintaining independence.

2021-06-29T12:51:47-04:00December 4, 2018|Our Blog|

Milestones of Independence

Help us remain the resource any of us might need

Our goal is to be the resource any one of us could need at any point in our lives. We help individuals with disabilities achieve milestones in independence from birth through later life. We are there at the beginning with early intervention therapy for babies / toddlers and therapy services for children. We grow with your family with autism services, camp and respite programs. As your family ages, we assist with transition services, employment assistance, veteran programs and community day supports. As your family changes, we provide answers for independence through assistive technology, deaf services, home modification services and driver evaluation/training.

donate link
Help us help others achieve milestones of independence  . . .

. . . Becoming Mobile
Erionna’s story focuses on how we are helping a 6-year-old in physical therapy. Therapist Kathleen Brinegar is working with Erionna and her family as she is making progress on sitting, holding her head up, standing and becoming mobile with her gait trainer.
. . . Figuring Things Out
Kayla is an 18-year-old intern at Project SEARCH East who works with coordinator Keith Fox in learning the skills she needs to obtain a position in the healthcare industry. The year-long program is assisting Kayla as she figures things out.
. . . Making Her Way
Samantha is a 25-year-old young woman who worked with our employment division to get her career going after she had an accident that caused a traumatic brain injury. Sam works at the Benjamin Harrison YMCA and she is truly making her way.
. . . Maintaining Independence
Scott is an individual who worked with our certified driver rehabilitation specialist / occupational therapist Mary Follman to assist him with vehicle modifications. Scott was involved in an accident when he was 24 years old that resulted in paralysis from the waist down. Scott’s vehicle modifications are helping him in maintaining independence.
Watch the one-minute video here; longer videos about each of our featured consumers will be available soon!

2021-06-29T12:51:47-04:00November 13, 2018|Our Blog|

Autism Support Group Meeting

Wednesday, November 14, 2018 | 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Easterseals Crossroads | 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis | 3rd Floor Conference Room

Join us for our November meeting with speaker Wendy Strickland, Speech-Language Pathologist, Augmentative Communication Specialist.
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) refers to methods of communication used to help those who are unable to speak or write in a manner in which others can understand them. These methods include picture-based communication boards or books, simple devices with pictures that speak when pressed and higher technology speech generating devices or tablets.
Easterseals Crossroads has speech-language pathologists with specialized training and experience in augmentative and alternative communication. Our staff members are recognized statewide and work closely with your family to determine the most appropriate device for your child and help them use it successfully through our Children’s Therapy Services.
 Childcare is available for free; you must reserve childcare one week in advance by contacting  Bonnie Fisher at 317.466.1000 x2488 or email at

2021-06-29T12:51:47-04:00November 9, 2018|Our Blog|

Thriving through the Holidays

by Tracy M. Gale, PsyD, HSPP, Easterseals Crossroads
This article appears in the most recent edition of November Indy’s Child magazine; move to page 29 to read it there along with all the other great articles from Indy’s Child!
The last months of the year can be an exciting, busy, and sometimes overwhelming time for families. The structure and routines that you crafted so diligently are frequently interrupted, and this can make life seem unmanageable. Keep these strategies in mind to help you enjoy the holidays to their fullest:

  • Prioritize activities. As a family, discuss opportunities for holiday activities. Make a list and categorize activities by their level of importance. Understand that your family may not be able to take part in all of the activities available, and do not feel pressure to take on more than you can manage during this busy season. As much as possible, include your child in the decision-making process.
  • Be clear about activities and expectations. Talk with your child about upcoming events, their purpose and your family’s level of involvement. Have clear expectations for your child’s behavior at activities and make these known to your child prior to the event.
  • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule. As much as possible, try to keep your child on a consistent sleep schedule. Turn off electronics early in the evening and begin the bedtime process. Turn off the lights throughout the house to indicate to your child that others are sleeping, that activities are finished and it is time for rest.
  • Give choices. Let your child make decisions about the things that he/she can as much as possible. Have them help in planning their breakfast or their outfit. Giving choices can be very empowering and help your child feel some sense of control.
  • Motivation. Have frequent rewards for appropriate behavior during this time. Tell your child what he/she can earn, how to earn it and when a reward will be given for good behavior.

Most importantly, be patient! Remember that everyone can be a little overwhelmed at this time of year, and know that you and your child are doing the best you can to manage your stress during this exciting time.

2021-06-29T12:51:47-04:00November 5, 2018|Our Blog|

Disability Employment Awareness

During October, we recognize the contributions of workers with disabilities during Disability Awareness Month, and we recognize the many businesses in our community who employ individuals with disabilities.
This year, staff members in our Employment Division have placed 118 individuals into permanent positions in 76 different companies and arranged 45 internships with community employers.

Employment Options for Individuals with Disabilities

At Easterseals Crossroads, our Employment Division staff members work with individuals with disabilities who are seeking meaningful employment opportunities. Our employment options can help prepare people to work to improve the quality of their lives and supply our community with highly-skilled job candidates.
Our staff can help individuals identify their employment goals and create a plan to meet these personal goals. We believe that each individual who wants to secure or maintain employment has unique needs. Whether you are looking for a professional, skilled, semi-skilled or entry level job, we will provide a flexible and creative solution to meet your specific needs, abilities and interests.

  • We work closely with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to make sure your needs are met.
  • We provide services in the community to meet your needs.
  • Funding for services can be provided by Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran’s Administration, Vocational Rehabilitation, private insurance and private pay funding.

For Businesses seeking qualified job Candidates

We are dedicated to providing the best people to fill your employment opportunities. We are committed to matching your employment opportunities to our clients with the appropriate talents, abilities, skills and interests to assist your company in achieving your goals.
We gain a thorough understanding of the job demands of your open positions and have comprehensive knowledge of each job seeker’s skills and abilities. The result is a reduction in the risk associated with hiring.
Our qualified staff will work with you and your new employee to make certain transition into the new position is smooth. Additionally, long-term support is provided at no expense to ensure job retention and mutual satisfaction.

  • We offer pre-screened, qualified candidates dedicated to pursuing long-term careers – at no cost to you.
  • At all times, we have more than 250 applicants with a variety of skills and interests motivated to meet your needs.
  • We can help you contribute to the diversity within your work environment.
  • We are a leader in disability services- we offer support through on-the-job training and accommodations when needed.
  • We provide continued assistance when it is needed – again, at no cost to you.

Contact us for more information about how we can help individuals with disabilities learn about career options and how we can help businesses in our community find qualified job candidates.

2021-06-29T12:51:47-04:00October 19, 2018|Our Blog|

Halloween Party

four Halloween photos of kids at party in costumesAutism Family Resource Center
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
3 p.m. – 6 p.m. | Easterseals Crossroads

We hope that you and your child(ren) can join us for our Autism Family Resource Center Halloween Party 2018! 
We have all kinds of fun things planned from snacks to games to treats! And the best part — your family can come in costume and trick-or-treat right in our Autism Family Resource Center! This event is a great opportunity to enjoy all the fun of the season in a structured, safe environment.
You do not need to RSVP, but if you have any questions, please contact Bonnie at or call her at 317.466.1000.
Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for this event.

2021-06-29T12:51:47-04:00October 15, 2018|Our Blog|

Augmentative Communication Month

During October, Easterseals Crossroads is proud to recognize providers of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) services. October is the national month of recognition for the service that uses technology and other methods to replace speech or writing for individuals so that they can communicate.

According to one of our families:
My daughter’s AAC device has given her a voice. She is less frustrated because she can make people understand what she wants or needs. This in turn has made her overall quality of life so much better.

Wendy Strickland works with children and adolescents at Easterseals Crossroads. She works with families who have children who are not able to communicate via traditional methods. She evaluates individual needs and helps determine the appropriate communication device to help a child be understood. Once a device or method is determined, she works with a child and his/her family to learn how to maximize the communication process. Wendy answered the following questions about Augmentative Communication.
What do you do at Easterseals Crossroads? I am a speech-language therapist specializing in augmentative communication services. I have been employed here for 9 years.
What is the best part of your job? The best part of my job is seeing kids use words for the first time. So many of the kids I see have never had a way to communicate. I love showing them where words are located on a device and then letting them explore on their own to see what they can say. Some kids will start pointing to objects in the room and label them while others will  find the joke section on the device and start telling jokes!
What is a typical day like for you? I spend most of my day in therapy with kids teaching them and their parents how to use their devices. I also do evaluations to determine what device would be appropriate for those who are just beginning alternative communication.
How do you incorporate play into speech/AAC therapy? Why is that important? I always joke and say that I get to play for a living! Playing is what kids do every day; therapy needs to be guided with play as much as possible. For younger kids, I use typical toys – doll houses, bubbles, cars and any toy that lights up and plays music. We work on the vocabulary that would be used while playing with those toys. For older kids and young adults, we play games and use Ipads in therapy to make activities appropriate and engaging.
Why is Easterseals Crossroads such a great place? Easterseals Crossroads is a great place because we provide such a variety of programs for individuals with disabilities across their life span. I like being able to help families transition from one area to another. I know that whatever service they engage through us, they will be provided with extremely high standards.
What part do parents play in their child’s progress in therapy? Family involvement is a vital part of any therapy program. Using an AAC device takes a LOT of practice. The best way to teach using an AAC device is through modeling using it yourself. Parents need to be a part of therapy so they learn how to use and model the use of the device. It is also important to know a family’s expecations for therapy to help establish goals and long-term outcomes for use of an AAC device at home.
Contact us for more information about augmentative communication.

2021-06-29T12:51:48-04:00October 8, 2018|Our Blog|

Are you a Film Lover?

Heartland Film Festival
Easterseals Disability Film Challenge Finalists
Saturday, October 13  | 10:15 a.m.
AMC Castleton Square 11

Join us at Heartland for the finalist’s showing from this year’s Disability Film Challenge! 
Promoted by Easterseals Southern California, the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge gives filmmakers – with and without disabilities – the opportunity to collaborate and tell unique stories that showcase disability in its many forms. This supports Easterseals goal to change the way the world defines and views disability so that everyone can reach his or her full potential. The annual film challenge is a weekend-long filmmaking contest, open to all, that provides a platform for new voices in the entertainment industry. Each year, aspiring storytellers are prompted to creatively write, produce and complete a short film. Challenge winners receive invaluable access to entertainment professionals, opening the door to an industry notoriously difficult to enter.
Learn more about the video line-up and/or purchase tickets here. Use the code HFFEASTER18 to receive a discount of $3 off the $12 ticket price.
Watch an invitational video from actor Nic Novicki and actor RJ Mitte (from Breaking Bad) here.
History of the Disability Film Challenge
Actor Nic Novicki launched the Disability Film Challenge in 2014 in response to seeing disabilities underrepresented both in front of and behind the camera. As someone with a disability, Nic created the challenge to give aspiring filmmakers the opportunity to showcase their work and provide them with meaningful exposure.

In 2017, Nic and Easterseals Southern California joined forces to expand the challenge, now known as the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge. As the leading nonprofit supporting people with disabilities, Easterseals brings additional attention to the challenge, using its numerous communications channels to encourage participation. Since the challenge launched, aspiring filmmakers from around the world have created more than 150 films, which have been viewed online and at festivals including the HollyShorts Film Festival.

2021-06-29T12:51:48-04:00October 2, 2018|Our Blog|

Physical Therapy Awareness Month

It’s October! And for physical therapists all around the country, that means it’s National Physical Therapy Month! Those in the profession wish to raise awareness of what physical therapists do to help individuals manage pain, improve their mobility and their functional ability. The ultimate goal is for individuals to live healthier lives.
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) began its efforts to recognize the profession in 1981. The month-long campaign aims to recognize the physical therapy profession and its outcomes for those individuals who benefit from physical therapy.
At Easterseals Crossroads, physical therapy plays a key role for many children and adolescents in our community. We are fortunate to employ three individuals who work in the profession:
  • Kathleen Brinegar, PT, DPT (who works in our children’s therapy north clinic and at local schools)
  • Deanna Proimos, PT, DPT (who works in our children’s therapy south clinic and at local schools)
  • John Kelly, PTA (who provides home modification services)

Kathleen was able to take a few moments to answer some questions about what she does as a physical therapist at Easterseals Crossroads.
What do you do at Easterseals Crossroads and how long have you been doing this type of work? I see children in an outpatient setting at our main facility and in homes through First Steps early intervention services and in some local schools. I have been at Easterseals Crossroads since June 2017.
What is the best part of your job? The best part of my job is seeing kids be proud of themselves for making progress on the goals on which we have been working. I really enjoy seeing the pride in progress from the parents and the child.  When a family member sees the joy in accomplishment, that is truly my favorite part of what I do.
What is a typical day like for you? A typical day is pretty busy and crazy, but I enjoy spending the 40 – 60 minutes with each child individually and switching gears to focus entirely on that child. I love the different personalities!
How do you incorporate play in to physical therapy?  I try to make every activity we do fun and playful. I think this is important because play is part of development and growing. If we can achieve physical therapy goals while playing, I am extremely happy! Incorporating play also gives the family easy ways to incorporate physical therapy into their home routine.
Why do you think Easterseals Crossroads is such a great place? I think Easterseals Crossroads is a great place because it is so comprehensive. We attempt to help our consumers in as many ways as we can through various programs. I also like how all  of us (as service providers) communicate and collaborate to provide the best care. We all are very compassionate and we keep our patients’ best in mind at all  times.
How important is family involvement in the success of physical therapy for children? I believe family involvement is key to the success of physical therapy. Everything I do won’t make progress if it’s not followed up at home and if the family isn’t invested in our physical therapy goals. I love when parents are involved in  our sessions and can give me feedback and information about their child’s progress, personality and abilities. This is why I try to have good communication with families as much as possible and check in regularly to make sure I am meeting the family’s goals. It makes all the difference!
Learn more about Children’s Therapy Services at Easterseals Crossroads.

2021-06-29T12:51:48-04:00October 1, 2018|Our Blog|
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