Veteran Employees

Are you interested in hiring veterans? Do you want to know more about military Culture?

Our Veteran Services can help your organization

Our Veteran Services employees offer a Military Culture Workshop designed to help your company better relate to military and veterans through the recruitment, hiring and retention phases of employment. Additionally, we can conduct a Military and Veteran Hiring Fair for you and pre-screen applicants who meet your qualifications.

Reasons to Hire a Veteran

  • Veterans have proven ability to learn new skills at an accelerated level
  • Veterans possess leadership skills and know how to manage people and projects
  • Veterans are team players and know how to work within groups to maximize efficiency
  • Veterans understand how to meet deadlines and stay on task until the job is done

Contact us today to learn more about Veteran Services and hiring veterans!

2021-06-29T12:51:52-04:00November 9, 2017|Our Blog|

Celebrating Physical Therapy Month

Recognizing Our Physical Therapy Professionals

National Physical Therapy Month is the perfect time to recognize the profession and its efforts to “transform society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.”
Our physical therapy professionals at Easterseals Crossroads are dedicated to improving the health, mobility and quality of life of the children with whom we work. Physical therapy helps individuals build muscle strength and flexibility, improve coordination and balance, and develop the control needed for movement. Our therapists evaluate a child’s motor abilities and work with the family to design a plan to develop motor skills that are important for success at home, school, and in the community.  We also assist children and families in obtaining adaptive equipment such as orthotics, walkers, standers, gait trainers, wheelchairs, and other items, if needed.
image of boy with therapist on therapy ballOur physical therapists at Easterseals Crossroads work with children from 3 years old to 18 years old. We help children develop gross motor skills, which can be anything from hopping, skipping, jumping to learning how to walk or sit more independently.
Our therapy sessions can include working on functional activities such as getting from a wheelchair to a chair or working on strengthening activities so that a child can walk or sit for a longer duration. If being able to sit for a period of time is a goal, we can work with a child to help strengthen abdominal muscles and build postural endurance so that tolerating a full day of school is more possible.
Our therapists are very skilled with working with children. “Play is important to work into therapy sessions because that is the biggest thing that kids do. Therapy is hard work; but incorporating a little fun can be motivating for a child. We never want our kids to dread coming to see us,” said Erin Butler, one of our physical therapists.
Easterseals Crossroads works very holistically with our families. Not only do we provide physical therapy, we also offer occupational therapy and speech-language therapy, including augmentative communication services. Often times we can coordinate our service delivery so we gain a better understanding of how a child is progressing.

“I think Easterseals is a great place because it’s so comprehensive. We attempt to help our consumers in as many ways as we can through various programs. I also like how all of the providers communicate and collaborate to give the best care. I also think we are very compassionate and have our patient’s best in mind at all times,” said Kathleen Brinegar, one of our physical therapists.
“The thing I love most about Easterseals Crossroads is that everyone is so committed to doing what is best for our families. If we can make something easier for the children we work with and for their family, then that is our goal,” said Erin.
“I believe family involvement is key to the success of physical therapy. Everything I do won’t make progress if it’s not followed up at home and if the family isn’t invested in our physical therapy goals. I love when parents are involved in our sessions and can give me feedback and information about the child’s progress, personality, and abilities.
The best part of my job is seeing kids be proud of themselves for making progress on goals we are working on,” said Kathleen.

John Kelly is a physical therapy assistant at Easterseals Crossroads and works as our home modification coordinator. He works with individuals with disabilities and contractors to determine solutions that maximize independence in the home. His knowledge of therapy through years of training in a clinical practice is an invaluable resource for home modifications.

“I cannot imagine how I would be able to understand my consumer’s needs without the years I spent in physical therapy practice. I believe that modifying an individual’s home is key to improving function and quality of life,” said John.

Learn more about National Physical Therapy Month at

2021-06-29T12:51:52-04:00October 27, 2017|Our Blog|

Autism Family Resource Center Halloween Party

three images of children in halloween costumes
The Autism Family Resource Center annual Halloween Party is scheduled for October 25, 2017, from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. This is a great event for children with autism  and their families to celebrate the fun of Halloween.
There will be trick-or-treating, snacks, games, a pumpkin judging contest and more. We encourage children to come in costumes and cannot wait to see what everyone has chosen this year!
The party takes place in the Autism Family Resource Center at Easterseals Crossroads located at 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN 45205. There is no need to RSVP, but if you have any questions, please contact us.
Please join us!

2021-06-29T12:51:53-04:00October 20, 2017|Our Blog|

Brain Injury Technology & Education Support Group (BITES)

First Meeting | October 18 | 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

We are excited to offer a monthly support group focused on assistive technology for individuals with brain injuries. Individuals with brain injuries will benefit from

  • Tools and tips for using technology to assist them with everyday tasks
  • Effective ways to use smart devices
  • Safe environments to practice what is learned
  • Peer support and online communities with technology professionals as well as others with brain injuries

BITES meets on the third Wednesday of every month at Easterseals Crossroads (4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis) in our conference rooms; the first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 18, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. There will be refreshments provided.
Comcast NBCUniversal logoBITES is made possible through a generous grant from the Comcast NBCUniversal Assistive Technology Grant Fund at Easterseals. This fund is designed to enhance successful programs for people with disabilities by providing assessment, training and support to address long-term needs. Contact us for more information.

2021-06-29T12:51:53-04:00October 6, 2017|Our Blog|

Lilly Global Day of Service

Thank you Lilly Global Day of Service volunteers for another amazing day of activity on September 28, 2017! Easterseals Crossroads has been fortunate to have been involved with a tremendous group of volunteers once again this year – the year that marks their 10th anniversary of service.
During September, Lilly employees in 65 countries take part in the Lilly Global Day of Service. This special day is a great opportunity for agencies to engage volunteers to accomplish tasks and activities that might otherwise go undone due to lack of resources or staff. This is especially helpful for service agencies such as Easterseals Crossroads in that it allows us to focus our energies on disability service within our community.
This year, we were extremely happy to have been contacted by two different groups from Lilly. We hosted 25 volunteers during the morning to complete outdoor assignments such as spreading mulch in our garden area (an area enjoyed by our adult day participants) and our playground (an area used by our children’s therapy programs, as well as evening respite programs). The group was also able to complete general maintenance activities that enhanced and maintainted the look of our property and grounds.
3 images of Lilly Global Day of Service volunteers
The second group of 25  Lilly employees came for the afternoon. This group has been especially helpful to us in that they have chosen our agency as their service-day agency for the past four years.  During the past four years, this group has completed various tasks such as refinishing children’s bookshelves and cubbies, refurbishing outdoor furniture for our garden area, painting our conference rooms and working directly with our participants in our adult day program. Charlotte Krukenberg, our Lilly contact for the past four years, said

We are grateful for what Easterseals Crossroads does for the community and we enjoy helping you serve those living with disability. You are a great group to work with, and we have enjoyed making a one-on-one connection with your agency. Although we (sometimes) feel physically tired after a service day, your feedback on our accomplishments has mentally invigorated us in knowing that we have made an impact on your important programs.

Lilly Day of Service volunteers
Thank you, Lilly Global Day of Service volunteers for helping us at Easterseals Crossroads take on disability together!

2021-06-29T12:51:53-04:00September 28, 2017|Our Blog|

Yoga with Yin & Juice

The Hot Room – Hot Yoga Downtown Studio Indianapolis is hosting a Stretchin’ with Yin & Juice yoga class to benefit autism and behavioral services at Easterseals Crossroads on

Sunday, September, 24, 2017 | 6 p.m.

305 East New York Street, Indianapolis
Join them for smooth beats, Yin yoga and fresh juice. The class is open for all levels; bring your own mat (or rent one from the studio). There is no need to register for the class; just arrive with your donation for autism and behavior services at Easterseals Crossroads. Contact us with any questions about this event.
We appreciate this partnership for this fundraising evening with Hot Room Yoga. The instructor of this class, Carly said,

I am excited to offer a Yin yoga class to support autism and behavior services at Easterseals Crossroads. This program is dedicated to a holistic approach – seeing the whole, the individual, his/her family, the community, caregivers and the support system. I have a younger brother with autism and as we grow together as adults, I see him in new ways. He is nonverbal and expresses himself in ways I have yet to comprehend deeply. From our experience, having strong, knowledgeable and encouraging resources and support is essential.”

2021-06-29T12:51:53-04:00September 20, 2017|Our Blog|

Family Fun Day

The Easterseals Crossroads Guild and the local First Steps Planning and Coordinating Council are hosting a Down on the Farm Family Day. If you would like to attend, you must RSVP by September 20 to Katherine at 317.466.1000 x3017.

Saturday, September 23, 2017 | 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Easterseals Crossroads | 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46205
Children with special needs of all ages along with their families and friends are invited to Easterseals Crossroads for a special book party event!
Volunteers from the Crossroads Guild and the local First Steps Planning & Coordinating Council will read stories and help the children with a craft activity. There will be a hayride, animals and apple picking. Each child who attends the party will receive free books to take home.
Join us for some Down on the Farm fun!
image of books, apples for family fun day

2021-06-29T12:51:54-04:00September 18, 2017|Our Blog|

Lobby Renovation at Main Location

4 images of the lobby area at Easterseals Crossroads main locationThe lobby areas of the main location of Easterseals Crossroads (4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis) are now more comfortable and visually appealing for visitors thanks to a much-needed facelift! 
Easterseals Crossroads moved into its current location in 1990; almost 30 years later, our look was dated and did not project a welcoming message of quality, integrity, service and respect to our guests. Fortunately, a bond fund was available for a facelift and renovations started in late April.
The lobby area on the first floor and restrooms on all five floors were part of the renovation project. Now that the project is almost complete, we hope that when people come into our space they will feel valued.
Our staff, consumers, partners, visitors and friends have spent a long summer maneuvering the remodeling process which included not using certain doors, floors, bathrooms, parking lots, etc., on any given day or week.
We feel that our new look is a more inviting space that reflects how much we care about our visitors and guests.

2021-06-29T12:51:54-04:00September 8, 2017|Our Blog|

Community Partner Spotlight: Sun King Brewing Company

Sun King Brewery logoSun King Brewing Company is an Indianapolis-based craft brewery with a focus on continually creating traditional seasonal and unique specialty beer. Sun King is one of Indiana’s largest and most award-winning breweries, with multiple medals at the Great American Beer Festival® and the World Beer Cup®.
Sun King is proud to work with hundreds of organizations that help achieve their mission of enriching the lives of Hoosiers, one beer at a time. Easterseals Crossroads is fortunate to be one of those lucky partners!  Whether it’s generously donating beer to our fundraisers, or making Easterseals Crossroads the recipient of their donation jars, Sun King continually shows their commitment to real community partnership.
Sun King beer can be enjoyed at over 1,000 fine bars/restaurants and liquor stores throughout Indiana, at their downtown brewery at 135 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, or at their Small Batch Brewery and Tasting Room at 7848 E. 96th Street in Fishers, Indiana.
Next time you visit Sun King or purchase one of their products elsewhere . . . know that you too, are making a difference in the lives of the individuals we serve all while enjoying a fantastic beer!

2021-06-29T12:51:54-04:00September 1, 2017|Our Blog|

Ride for Veteran Services

Join Us on a Ride to Benefit Veterans!

Saturday, September, 23, 2017motorcycle image with Easterseals Crossroads logo and American Legion Riders logo

$20 Bike | $5 Passenger | Open to All

The American Legion Post 34 Legion Riders present the 3rd annual ride to benefit Veteran Services at Easterseals Crossroads.
The ride starts and ends at the American Legion Post 34 located at 2210 East 54th Street in Indianapolis, stopping along the way at 1911 Grill located at 1067 N. Main Street in Speedway.
Registration will take place from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. with kickstands up at 10:30 a.m. There will be entertainment and breakfast is available at the start; the registration fee includes ride, poker run, bandana, bottled water and raffle ticket (License #142703).
Contact us for more information about the ride. Ride to Benefit Veterans helps provide comprehensive support services that include transportation, work clothing, employment training and more for eligible veterans.

2021-06-29T12:51:54-04:00August 23, 2017|Our Blog|
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