Ways to Act for Easterseals Crossroads

Join us in taking on disability together!

Our community depends on the vital services that we provide for people with disabilities at Easterseals Crossroads.
Please take a few minutes to see what we do by viewing our brand new video annual report:

Once you see what we do each and every day, we hope you will want to act for us and:


There are many ways to volunteer at Easterseals Crossroads. You can work directly with children and/or adults in areas such as our respite programs. Group activities include Days of Service where we create meaningful experiences. Individuals or groups can volunteer for third-party events, such as walks/runs where we are recognized as a charity partner.

Attend an event

Each year we offer two fun events – Bingo Bonanza and our Ability event. Bingo Bonanza is held in February and our Ability event will take place in April. Learn more about events.

Cut the Dis

Cut the Dis is a social media campaign where you can help us create awareness in our community. Create a fun video where you cut the dis out of the word disability and share it on your social media. See how others have cut the dis for Easterseals Crossroads.


donate link
Donations help us assist children and adults achieve their goals. Your contribution stays local and supports our purpose to change the way the world views and defines disability by making profound, positive differences in people’s lives every day.

2021-06-29T12:51:59-04:00November 30, 2016|brand, Our Blog|

Happy 80th Year to Easterseals Crossroads

Turning 80 is a big deal to us and we have freshened up for the occasion. Even though we have been providing quality services for individuals living with disability for over 80 years, today marks the beginning of  a new era for us in that we have changed our look, feel and architecture

to change the way the world defines and views disability by making profound, positive differences in people’s lives every day

As a birthday gift to us – please take a (video) look at what we do each and every day. Once you see what we do – and what we want to continue doing for another 80 years – please join us in taking on disability together!

donate link

2021-06-29T12:51:59-04:00November 17, 2016|Our Blog|

Programs and Services

Easterseals Crossroads is here for you and your family as you live, learn, work, play and act. With community support, we have brought services to those who need us in our community for 80 years.
We are dedicated to changing the way the world defines and views disability by making profound, positive differences in people’s lives every day!
[metaslider id=1133]


We are driven to providing hands on, vital programs that give our families the support needed to lead fulfilling lives and maximize their potential.
Autism Services
Children’s Therapy Services
Community Day Supports
Deaf Community Services
Home Modification Services


We help children and adults learn and relearn  basic functions as they master skills needed to develop, grow and thrive.
Autism Family Resource Center
Speech and Hearing Resource Center
Driver Evaluation and Training
Assistive Technology Center | INDATA Project
Early Intervention Therapy Services
Augmentative Communication


We offer comprehensive training and placement services to help people prepare for the workforce to improve the quality of their lives.
Crossroads Industrial Services
Employment Services
Veteran Services


We offer fun and educational programs for children and families so that they can relax, engage and connect with others and enjoy recreation.
Respite Programs
Camp Programs


We are stronger and more able to help others because of our vibrant connections in the community with those who:
Attend an Event

2021-06-29T12:51:59-04:00November 8, 2016|Our Blog|

New Look for Easterseals Crossroads

logo and tag of taking on disability together
Easterseals Crossroads is a vital community resource dedicated to providing quality services for individuals and families living with disability.
We have been doing this for over 80 years and today marks the beginning of a new era for us in that we have changed our look, feel and architecture to

change the way the world defines and views disability by making profound, positive differences in people’s lives every day

Our new look is the result of almost two years of research. Our national organization partnered with a firm called Siegelivision in New York. Siegelvision conducted extensive research into how Easterseals resonated with various audiences. They conducted focus groups, which included the general public, affiliates, volunteers and donors. All this research and ultimately brand renaissance was supported by a national donor who felt that the organization needed a new look, feel and philosophy to stay relevant nationwide. This renaissance has given all 70+ affiliates the opportunity to strengthen  themselves in a consistent, cohesive way. It also gives all of us the perfect opportunity to reintroduce ourselves to our communities.
Easterseals Crossroads has always been a strong, reliable, innovative leader in Indianapolis. We have made good, solid business decisions throughout our existence. Our consumers, donors, volunteers and partners can trust that we continue to hold their best interests at the very core of our service delivery. The impact of this new look, feel, philosophy provides our agency with the opportunity to better present ourselves to those who use our services.
With the new philosophy comes the new architecture of our website and program materials; our services are now aligned under the categories of live, learn, work, play and act. Our website is now much easier to use, much more streamlined and understandable.
We continue to respond to needs in our community with new programs and services, and we are keenly aware that this helps us stay relevant. We have exciting partnership opportunities ahead of us and 2017 looks to be a banner year for us as we take on disability together.

2021-06-29T12:51:59-04:00October 27, 2016|Our Blog|

Promoting Tobacco-Free Lifestyle

Grant supports Central Indiana veterans, caregivers and individuals with disabilities on path to better health through Freedom from Smoking program
Blog contributed by Tessa Barnard
Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. While more Americans are kicking the habit, 42 million still identify as smokers – accounting for 1 out of every 5 citizens. People living with disabilities face even higher instances of smoking, nearly 40% more than those who reported having no disability (CDC, 2011).
CVS Health knows promoting a tobacco-free lifestyle extends well beyond their cigarette-free stores. That’s why they’re working with Easterseals, the nation’s indispensable resource for people facing disability, to help the disability community, veterans and caregivers kick the habit for good.
“If we are to help Americans on their path to better health, then tobacco-free living must remain a top, public health priority – for people of all abilities,” said Eileen Howard-Boone, President, CVS Health Foundation. “And that path starts in a different place for everyone. Together with Easterseals, we’re engaging the populations they serve including people with disabilities, veterans and caregivers who we know want to quit, but may not know where to start.”
Through support from the CVS Health Foundation, and in collaboration with the American Lung Association, Easterseals is advancing a smoking cessation program specifically tailored to the populations it serves: people with disabilities, veterans and caregivers – all groups with higher incidence of smoking. The partnership leverages the American Lung Association’s Freedom from Smoking online program, which takes participants through modules containing tips and lessons to quit smoking.
“We’re proud to partner with the CVS Health Foundation as we help the individuals and families we serve kick the habit for good,” said Patrick Sandy, President & CEO of Easter Seals Crossroads. “It’s a true honor to be selected among the grant awardees. We hope Central Indiana families are inspired to take advantage of this opportunity.”
Easter Seals Crossroads was among six affiliates to receive this year’s grant. The grant will support local efforts to put the Central Indiana community on the path to better help.
Learn more about smoking cessation
CVS Health is a pharmacy innovation company helping people on their path to better health. Through its approximately 9,600 retail pharmacies, more than 1,100 walk-in medical clinics, a leading pharmacy benefits manager with more than 75 million plan members, a dedicated senior pharmacy care business serving more than one million patients per year, and expanding specialty pharmacy services, the Company enables people, businesses and communities to manage health in more affordable and effective ways. This unique integrated model increases access to quality care, delivers better health outcomes and lowers overall health care costs.
Learn more about how CVS Health is shaping the future of health

2021-06-29T12:51:59-04:00October 6, 2016|Our Blog|

History of 80 Years of Service

image of Easterseals Crossroads logos since 1950s

Easterseals Crossroads has been a vital resource for 80 years. Throughout those years, we have responded to community needs with our programs and services for adults and children with disabilities, special needs and challenges.
We started in 1936 with a club of 12 teenagers with disabilities who formed a social group. The group formally organized in 1939 under the leadership of the Indiana Society for Crippled Children and leased a building at 30th and New Jersey streets. A curative workshop was established to prepare persons with disabilities for jobs in the community. In 1956, the organization moved to a newly built two-story structure at 3242 Sutherland Avenue, and in 1958, became an affiliate agency of the United Way of Central Indiana.
Our Easterseals affiliation came years later in the late 1980s followed by a physical move to our current main location at 4740 Kingsway Drive. We maintain this facility, along with two others – our Industrial Services division at 8302 East 33rd Street and our south location at 3215 East Thompson Road.
Our “look” has changed over the years in addition to our physical location. When we affiliated with Easterseals, we adopted the Easterseals logo, which was a blend of the national organization’s integral icons – the lily (introduced in 1952) and the seal (incorporated later because it captured the appeal of the signature fundraiser and namesake for Easter Seals).
In May of this year, our national organization introduced a new philosophy, brand and architecture to be adopted by all 70+ affiliates within the next 2 years. This new look is accompanied by our affirmation as the leading disability service provider locally and nationally – and we are taking on disability together as a national effort.
At the beginning of November of this year, Easterseals Crossroads will sport the new look and we are excited to be part of this national effort to change the way the world defines and views disability. While we may look different at the beginning of November, be assured that we continue to hold the best interests of our consumers, donors, volunteers and partners at the very core of our service delivery.

2021-06-29T12:51:59-04:00September 23, 2016|Our Blog|

Back to School Support Team

Think of Easter Seals Crossroads as your family’s back-to-school support team!
We understand the demands on our busy familiefootball players with small boy on player's shoulderss’ lives; that is why we want to help in every way we can. We offer programs that help our families live, learn, work and play all during the year.
Our full-range of services for families include:
Vital programs to help individuals live independent lives.

  • Families living with autism can benefit from behavioral treatment services from an interdisciplinary team of clinicians who provide individual as well as family intervention.
  • Our diagnostic clinic offers comprehensive evaluation services for children ages 18 months through 8 years with symptoms that may indicate the presence of ASD or other developmental disorders.
  • Physical, occupational and speech-language therapy services are available for children with special needs ages 3 – 18 years old to help them maximize their independence.
  • Community services are available for children, teens and adults with developmental or special needs and can include respite, individual community hab (CHIO), personal assistance care (PAC) or recreational therapy.Resources and therapy that help people learn in order to grow, develop and thrive.
  • Free and open to the public, the Autism Family Resource Center is a place for families to connect through parent-to-parent support, use library and video resource materials, access the internet and engage in support groups.
  • The Speech and Hearing Resource Center – offered in partnership with Hear Indiana – provides speech therapy, audiology, information and referral, school outreach and counseling for parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • We provide specialized driver evaluation and training for adolescents and adults with disabilities.
  • Our Assistive Technology Center is a nationally-recognized resource for individuals with disabilities.
  • Early intervention therapy services are available for children ages birth to 3 years. We offer a free screening tool, the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, which will help identify if your child could benefit from developmental services at Easter Seals Crossroads.Activities that help families and children relax and enjoy play.
  • Respite services include Parents’ Night (and Day) Out programs at multiple locations and Teen Night Out for adolescents.
  • Summer camps for children and adolescents to enjoy recreational time and enjoy learning during the summer months.
2021-06-29T12:52:00-04:00September 12, 2016|Our Blog|

Employment Top Producers

Employment Consultants are top producers

The Employment Division at Easterseals Crossroads is a community resource for businesses, employers and job candidates. We work with qualified individuals who are seeking employment and we match their abilities to open employment opportunities.
Our employment consultants work directly with job candidates and potential employers; they are highly skilled in analyzing necessary qualifications for job success and they work diligently to make successful outcomes.
Two employment consultants have been honored as being top producers within the division this year – Sherri Negri and Marlene Martin.
Sherri Negriphoto of Sherri Negri
Sherri has worked at Easterseals Crossroads for over a year now and she has been an employment consultant for eight years. Sherri assists individuals in finding employment that fits within their interests, backgrounds and skills set. This means everything from entry level positions to seasoned professionals.
Sherri has found that many businesses in our community know our brand name and that this recognition often helps open doors for discussion. She is quick to tell employers who are not aware of us that our candidates are pre-screened for employment by a team of qualified consultants and that we have a high level of long-term job retention among our candidates.
“I love helping individuals seek out and achieve their goals and dreams to live a more fulfilling life,” said Sherri. Sherri typically works with 20 – 25 individuals seeking employment during any given month.
One dream job that Sherri recently helped someone achieve was a culmination of this person’s goals and interests, which included teaching, advocacy and office work. Together, they researched opportunities and discovered that a career in mental health required her skills set and interest level. The consumer completed some necessary coursework, applied for some open positions and was thrilled to obtain her dream job shortly after.
Marlene Martinphoto of marlene martin
Marlene has been an employment consultant at Easterseals Crossroads for over 2 years and has over 20 years of experience in the field.
Marlene loves to meet and help people find jobs to sustain them in their daily living. She has helped people find employment in professional positions such as government offices and other organizations; service positions in restaurants and dining halls; and industrial and janitorial positions in stores and the hospitality industry. She finds that much of our community is very aware of the excellent reputation that Easter Seals Crossroads has earned; this helps her learn of employment opportunities that are available.
“I am here to help future employers; my goal is to make their jobs easier by offering training and support services to my job candidates,” said Marlene.
Marlene’s best advice to individuals seeking employment is to learn how to handle an interview well and maintain a positive attitude. Being able to excel during an interview often lands a person the job and the positive attitude often helps maintain that job.
Last year, our Employment Division assisted in placing 145 people with disabilities into permanent positions and arranged 83 internships with community employers. Thanks to the hard work of consultants like Marlene and Sherri, we are often the number one choice for businesses seeking qualified job candidates.

2021-06-29T12:52:00-04:00August 25, 2016|Our Blog|

Sunset Polo

polo players on horses during match

Join us for Sunset Polo

Join Easterseals Crossroads for a fun, family-friendly polo event at Hickory Hall Polo Club on Friday, August 26. Easterseals Crossroads is the nonprofit partner who will benefit from sales made at the gate.
Tailgating with your own food and drinks is encouraged; a food truck may be available. Gates open at 5 p.m. and the match begins at 6 p.m.
The cost to attend is $20 per carload (cash only, no advance ticket sales).
For more information about Sunset Polo at Hickory Hall, contact us.

2021-06-29T12:52:00-04:00August 8, 2016|Our Blog|

Bikes to Vets

Donate a bicycle in good working condition and help a veteran thrive!

Did you know that a bicycle often helps eliminate huge employment barriers for veterans? Easterseals Crossroads Veteran Services is asking for your help. Many of the veterans we serve are challenged with employment and housing issues.
You can help by providing a bicycle in good working order; each bicycle will be given to a veteran who needs help getting from home to employment or from home to a bus stop.
Our Bikes to Vets (BV2) project will accept bicycles in good working order and distribute them to veterans who need transportation assistance. Not only will your donated bicycle help a veteran with transportation, it will also help promote good health to improve the veteran’s quality of life!
Bicycle donations can be made at:
Easterseals Crossroads | 4740 Kingsway Drive | Indianapolis, IN 46205
Contact us if you need more information; donations accepted August 1 through September 16, 2016. Pick up can be arranged when donating three or more bicycles.

2021-06-29T12:52:00-04:00August 1, 2016|Our Blog|
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