Another Terrific Summer Camp Season
Camps offered by Easterseals Crossroads provide great opportunities for children and adolescents to grow, learn and play.
As we wind down this year’s summer camping season, we want to thank the many, many staff members, camp counselors, volunteers and community partners who helped us offer the following series of camping programs:
CampAbility for children with special needs ages 4 to 10
Children enjoyed outdoor play, amazing field trips, peer play and more.
Camp Rocks for young people with autism ages 10 to 18
During this week-long, overnight camp, 76 young people enjoyed the outdoors by hiking, horseback riding, swimming and more.
Camp FUEL for adolescents with special needs ages 11 to 17
Adolescents enjoyed fun and unique experiential learning during June and July by taking field trips and interacting with peers.
iCan Bike for individuals with special needs
Forty individuals made great strides in learning to ride a two-wheel, conventional bicycle during an intensive one-week bike camp.
Gadget Camp for young people who use augmentative communication devices
Children and adolescents enjoyed a week of indoor fun and outdoor play.