Meditations of Jenner’s Golden Wheelchair

Photo catches staff member’s attention

Today’s post was written by Laura Medcalf, Social Media Content Specialist with The INDATA Project and Assistive Technology program.
In a recent photoshoot for Interview magazine, Kylie Jenner’s stick-thin, airbrushed figure is found seated in a golden wheelchair. When I first saw the image, I couldn’t help but giggle and think to myself, “Seriously?” Before I continue, please note I do not spend my time “keeping up with the Kardashians” or any celebrity for that matter, because their egregious decisions are, well, their decisions, and do not affect my life. However, the image of 18-year-old Jenner posing in a wheelchair definitely caught my attention as it proves we, as a society, have a long way to go in terms of disability awareness.

I am not at all certain what the wheelchair is meant to symbolize in this photo, but many infer the golden prop is meant to represent the restraints of being a celebrity. I am not directly offended by Jenner, an able-bodied person, posing in a wheelchair. Rather, I take offense to the wheelchair being used as an accessory representing limitations. If the team behind the photoshoot aspired to portray restrictions, they should have used golden handcuffs or some other distasteful restraints.

As I have used a wheelchair a majority of my life, I can personally state that a wheelchair is anything but limiting; it’s how I get around. It isn’t an accessory but rather a part of who I am. It does not define me nor does it limit me. In all actuality, it’s provided me with more opportunities than most can imagine. I have lived independently for several years now. I drive. I was the first of my family to graduate from college. I’ve had a loving boyfriend for more than seven years. And I go to work every day at my dream job.
In conclusion, I don’t believe Jenner’s intention was to offend anyone. I feel her “surreal” photoshoot simply proves lack of disability awareness. If anything good can come from this photo, it’s that she has brought disabilities into the spotlight. She has proven that a wheelchair is not a prop for a photoshoot, but rather a positive tool for conversation.
Laura is the main writer for and has led The INDATA Project’s social media program since 2013. She studied creative writing at Ball State University and currently lives in Indianapolis with her dog, Winifred.

2021-06-29T12:52:03-04:00December 9, 2015|Our Blog|

Year-End Reflection from our CEO

Reflecting on 2015

Today’s post was written by Patrick Sandy, President and CEO of Easterseals Crossroads.
It is the time of year when, in the midst of all the holiday excitement, I like to reflect on the accomplishments of the past 12 months. The year goes by like a race and without deliberate reflection you can forget all the important and beautiful scenery you have passed.
One of our largest accomplishments this past year was acquiring a building on the south side of Indianapolis on Thompson Road. We have invested substantially in that acquisition so that we can offer south side residents a facility that is outfitted to provide the best services to our consumers. Whether you are looking for Adult Day programming, occupational, physical or speech therapies for children over the age of three, employment or veterans’ services, we now offer an unmatched level of service at our Thompson Road location. Look for our open house early in the new year so you can see this remarkable facility for yourself.
We’ve also updated our Willowbrook location. The children’s lobby on the second floor is being made more family friendly with new décor that offers play areas as well as spaces to do homework for older children. We have resurfaced our parking to provide the best surface possible for persons with mobility challenges. We have increased our building security system because the safety of our staff and consumers is paramount in today’s world. We continue to look for ways to improve our services and our buildings to reflect the high regard we have for the people we exist to support.
As the year came to an end, we learned of National Easterseals’ plan to rebrand itself. We have begun to make plans for implementing this rebranding in 2016. It is a fresh new look for a brand you have always trusted and with its roll out, we hope to raise our profile even higher in the Indianapolis community so that more persons can benefit from the programs and services we are here to provide. This rebranding comes at a significant time for Easterseals Crossroads: 2016 marks our 80th birthday. Look for exciting things to happen during our 80th year.
As always, Easterseals Crossroads exists to provide the highest quality of service to persons with disabilities, special needs and challenges. 2016 promises to be an exciting year for us, one we hope you will want to be a part of.

2021-06-29T12:52:03-04:00December 6, 2015|Our Blog|

Shop for Easterseals Crossroads on Amazon

Support Easterseals Crossroads on Amazon

Do you shop on Whether you are buying books for your Kindle, ordering back to school supplies or doing your holiday shopping a little early, your purchase can benefit Easter Seals Crossroads. Here’s how:
Go to and type in “Easter Seals Crossroads” under “pick your charitable organization” and click SEARCH.
Crossroads Rehabilitation Center” will then be displayed. Click the yellow “SELECT” button.
That’s it! Each time you make a purchase through Amazon Smile, 0.5% of your total purchase will be donated to Easter Seals Crossroads. If you purchase $100.00 worth of items through Amazon Smiles, $5.00 will be the donation we receive. Can you imagine how quickly that can add up?
Make sure you are shopping through Amazon Smiles and not the regular Amazon homepage. Amazon Smiles offers all of the same products as Amazon. It is just the way for Amazon to know you want a percentage of your purchase to be donated to your favorite charity.

2021-06-29T12:52:04-04:00November 24, 2015|Our Blog|

8 Things to know about Deaf Culture

Today’s post was written by Sara Croft.
Jennifer Alka, Community Support Specialist with Deaf Community Services, recently provided an in-service to our staff on Deaf culture, communication and etiquette. She addressed her personal story and shared helpful tips that allow all of our staff to provide the best customer service possible to Deaf individuals.

  1. The Deaf community consists of people who use American Sign Language, children of Deaf parents, interpreters, Deaf teachers, and anyone else who wants to be included. Jennifer is second generation Deaf, and her children are Deaf. Her husband is the elementary school principal at the Indiana School for the Deaf. “I wouldn’t wish life to be any other way,” she says.
  2. Communication options include:
    • American Sign Language is the predominate sign language of Deaf communities in the US and Canada.
    • Signed English is a sign language dialect that matches each spoken word of English.
    • Cued speech is a type of sign language that uses hand movements combined with mouth shapes to communicate to the hearing impaired.
    • Auditory/Oral uses whatever hearing ability a person has in combination with speech reading and contextual clues.
    • Total communication uses both signed English and spoken English to communicate.
    • Speech reading is often used synonymously with the term lip reading, where you look at the speaker’s lips along with facial expressions and body language.
    • Fingerspelling is the representation of the letters of a writing and numerical system using only the hands.
    • Many people ask Jennifer if she can read lips. Only 20% of verbal speaking can be visual, which makes speech reading very difficult and not the preferred method of communication.
  3. Technology has changed the way Deaf people communicate. Everything from the Internet to video phones, closed-captioning for television, TTY, visual ring signalers, and message relay services allow hearing people to communicate with Deaf people. Social media has also played an important role in helping Deaf people communicate quickly and easily with each other.
  4. To get a Deaf person’s attention, use one light tap on their shoulder for non-urgent communication. Repeating the tap 2 or 3 times with harder pressure expresses that you urgently need to communicate to them.
  5. Hearing people have different cues for in-person communication, where it may be okay to end a conversation by simply walking away or looking in another direction. Breaking eye contact to end a conversation is not acceptable in Deaf culture. You must say why it is time to end the conversation, so that the person you are speaking with knows the conversation is over.
  6. Interpreters will sit or stand to the side of a Deaf person and a hearing person should look directly at the Deaf person, not at the interpreter. There is no need to pause or talk slowly, as the interpreter is trained and can follow the conversation easily. Do not hold personal conversations with the interpreter as if the Deaf person is not there.
  7.  It is not appropriate to ask or expect a child to interpret for their parents or authority figures.
  8. At Easterseals Crossroads, we follow people first language, where the person is always mentioned before the disability. For example, we would say “child with autism” instead of “autistic child.” However, in the Deaf community, the preferred communication is to say “Deaf person” instead of “person who is Deaf.”

“My view as a Deaf interpreter is that I’m helping more hearing people than Deaf people,” Jennifer says.
We are proud to have Jennifer as an employee at Easterseals Crossroads.

About Jennifer Alka
Jennifer’s education started at the Rochester School for the Deaf in New York, which is well known for the finger spelling method, but they stopped practicing that method when she was enrolled in their pre-school program. She later enrolled at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. for one year and then transferred to the State University of New York at Brockport where she graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology. Jennifer is the Community Support Specialist with Deaf Community Services at Easterseals Crossroads.

2021-06-29T12:52:04-04:00November 12, 2015|Our Blog|

Election Day 2015

Exercising your Right to Vote

This information was shared from the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities. Click here to visit their website.
Exercising the right to vote is an essential element of our civil rights. Every person who has registered to vote and has proper identification should be able to cast their vote privately and independently at their polling place or through absentee voting.
On Election Day, Tuesday, November 3rd, Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services (IPAS) advocates and attorneys will be available to answer questions and take complaints from persons with disabilities who have any issue casting their vote. IPAS staff will be available to take calls during the time the polls are open, 6:00AM EST – 7:00PM EST (6:00PM CST).
Unfortunately, some people with disabilities may experience issues when they try to vote.If you experience any of the following issues, call IPAS:

  • Lack of an accessible path from the parking spot/drop off point to the voting booth;
  • Stairs or non-paved surfaces such as gravel or grass as the only path to the polling location;
  • Lack of at least one doorway wide enough for a wheelchair to get through to access the polling location;
  • Lack of at least one set of automatic doors or someone available to open doors.
  • Lack of a functioning, accessible voting machine.
  • Lack of poll workers available who know how to assist with operating the accessible voting machine.

Know your rights. If you require assistance in order to cast your vote, a poll worker may assist you or you may bring someone with you to assist you. The person who assists you cannot be your employer or your union representative. You must request assistance before you enter the voting booth.
If you are a person with a disability, and you are unable to cast your vote privately and independently during this election, contact IPAS at 800-622-4845. You will be prompted to enter an extension number. Between the hours of 6:00AM-12:30PM EST, enter extension #451. After 12:30PM, enter extension #470. Leave a message with your phone number and issue. Your call will be returned promptly.

2021-06-29T12:52:04-04:00November 2, 2015|Our Blog|

Century 21 Scheetz Donation

Fall Donation

Jill Johnson, President of the Century 21 Scheetz Charitable Foundation, stopped by our office this week to present a $2,425.00 donation to support our mission. In addition to our annual Bingo Bonanza event, Century 21 Scheetz continues to raise money for children and adults with disabilities and special needs throughout the year.
This donation was the result of a campaign with IndyCar driver Josef Newgarden who surprised Josiah and his family during this year’s Indy500. Josiah received a room makeover from Century 21 Scheetz, complete with signed gear from Josef Newgarden and tickets to attend the race with the Century 21 team. Josef Newgarden signed one of his helmets, and Century 21 Scheetz used the helmet to raise money for Easter Seals Crossroads.

Easterseals Crossroads thanks Century 21 Scheetz for their generous contribution. This donation will go towards supporting our mission – to improve the lives of children and adults with disabilities, special needs or challenges by promoting inclusion, independence and dignity.

2021-06-29T12:52:04-04:00October 27, 2015|Our Blog|

First-Mile, Last-Mile Connections to Transit Workshop

Join Health by Design and local community partners to discuss public transportation policy and its role in creating ‘livable communities’ throughout Indiana. Participants will also engage in activities to ensure there are accessible pathways of travel – the critical links between the sidewalk, bus stop, and bus ride—where they live.
What: First-Mile, Last-Mile Connections to Transit Workshop
When: Friday, November 13, 9 AM – 3 PM
Where: IndyGo board room, 1501 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222
This particular workshop will focus on ensuring “first mile-last mile” connections to fixed-route transit service – the vital link between the curb, sidewalk, and bus stop. The goal of the workshop is to train volunteers how to examine the safety and accessibility features of fixed-route bus stops and the pedestrian infrastructure that connects to them. Information that is collected can then be used for future improvements.
The primary audiences for these workshops are individuals with disabilities, family members, older adults, disability organization staff and advocates, nonprofit partners, local government staff, active transportation advocates, and elected officials. Anyone and everyone who’s interested in bettering community mobility options can attend!
The workshop is FREE and but registration is required. Please register by Monday, November 2 by clicking this link.
Please contact Addison Pollock with any additional questions or comments at or 317-352-3817. This event is made possible by the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities.

2021-06-29T12:52:04-04:00October 25, 2015|Our Blog|

Board Profile: Darlisa Davis

Today’s post features Darlisa Davis, who joined the Easterseals Crossroads Board of Directors in 2014. Through her numerous business connections, Davis has built valuable new relationships between Easterseals Crossroads and the central Indiana business community, and extends the reach of our services far beyond our own capabilities.
Current occupation: Relationship Manager at First Merchants Bank, N.A.
Educational background: Richland College, Dallas, TX
Hometown: Although I was originally from Vincennes, Indiana, after residing in Texas and Georgia I selected Indianapolis as my hometown 25 years ago.
How did you first become introduced to Easterseals Crossroads?
I was first introduced to Easterseals by Curtiss Quirin, Chief Operating Officer at Crossroads Industrial Services (CIS) at a CEO networking group. Curtiss shared with the group that CIS employs individuals with disabilities while providing companies with customized solutions. I was very moved by how this program improves an individual’s quality of life by maximizing their skills and abilities through employment while providing companies a service to lower costs without compromising quality. It spoke to me as to how communities work together for a greater good.
I wanted to learn more about the mission and services so I met with Curtiss and Patrick Sandy, President and CEO of Easterseals Crossroads, over coffee and was amazed at the depth of services that the organization provides to consumers and their families. I was committed at that point to help educate our community about Easterseals Crossroads.
What has been your most memorable experience as a board member?
This is a pretty interesting question, as I am constantly humbled and walk away in awe by the testimonials of the consumers and the energetic, dedicated, loyal and compassionate staff and the volunteers. The staff rejoices with their consumers and families and stands next to them during the trials. Three of my personal favorite events are the Ability Lunch, Bingo Bonanza and Hallow’s Eve.
Why do you continue to stay involved with Easterseals Crossroads?
My passion continues to grow as Easterseals helps children achieve their full potential at play and at school, helps veterans return to their communities, provides respite to caregivers to include all of their children and again the incredible staff. I am committed to helping in all ways to expand brand awareness for both financial support as well as to assist people in finding the assistance they need.
How has Easterseals Crossroads impacted your ability to advocate on behalf of individuals with disabilities?
During my short tenure with Easterseals Crossroads, I have learned about the extensive services and support for consumers and their families, I have become even more aware of their daily and life challenges and I have heard of their triumphs and joy. I am excited to be part of such a great and caring organization. I have been surprised how many people are not aware of the depth of services that Easter Seals Crossroads provides to our community. Being close to the organization has allowed me to point individuals in the right direction for education, assistance and services.
I envision myself as one of the long time supporters of Easterseals Crossroads in whatever capacity they deem valuable.

2021-06-29T12:52:04-04:00October 8, 2015|Our Blog|

Lilly Global Day of Service

Lilly Global Day of Service

This blog was written by Tessa Barnard, Volunteer and Community Outreach Coordinator at Easter Seals Crossroads.
On Thursday, October 1 a group of seventeen Eli Lilly & Company employees came to Easterseals Crossroads and spent the afternoon cleaning, sanding and staining all of the outdoor furniture used in our Therapy and Wellness Garden. The garden is used by staff and consumers alike at Easterseals Crossroads. It is a safe place to go outside and enjoy the sunshine in the warm spring and summer months and a beautiful spot to watch the leaves change in the fall.
The volunteer group was a part of the Lilly Global Day of Service, where nearly 20,000 Lilly employees spent a day outsides of the office, volunteering in communities around the world.
The group revitalized some pieces of solid wood furniture that was almost twenty years old. Now the pieces look brand new and will withstand the chilly winter months and be ready to go in the spring. We are very grateful for their hard work!

If your group, school, or business is interested in volunteering at Easter Seals Crossroads, please contact us.

2021-06-29T12:52:04-04:00October 4, 2015|Our Blog|

American Graduate Day

American Graduate Day 2015 is a national and local call-to-action telethon for communities to engage in stronger outcomes for students. On Saturday, October 3, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., WFYI will air the live telethon broadcast and other programs in partnership with WNET in New York.
Scott Fogo, Vice President of Clinical Services at Easterseals Crossroads, will be on-air this Saturday, October 3 at 2:24 PM on Channel 20.1 as part of the American Graduate series.
Featuring a dynamic mix of long-form programming, live breaks and pre-taped segments, the telethon will tell the stories of individuals and organizations making a positive different in the lives of students. Localized breaks will highlight the efforts of 29 central Indiana organizations working tirelessly to improve graduation rates in Indiana. Tune in for 24 hours of American Graduate themed programming scheduled on WFYI 1 and WFYI 3 between October 3-4.
We thank WFYI for continuing to involve us in their American Graduate program. For more information, visit their website at

2021-06-29T12:52:04-04:00September 30, 2015|Our Blog|
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