Celebrating National Adult Day Services Week 2014
According to the National Adult Day Services Association (NADSA), the week of September 15-19 is National Adult Day Services Week, and Easter Seals Crossroads is celebrating with our Annual Fall Festival on Friday, September 19.
Our medically-based adult day services program uses individual plans of care to provide a variety of health, social, recreational and therapeutic activities, supervision, support services, and personal care.
Did you know our Adult Day Services program…
- Was opened in the fall of 2001
- Was the first Adult Day Services program in Indianapolis to serve younger adults with disabilities only
- Currently has 51 clients enrolled in services
- Employs 3 Licensed Practical Nurses, an RN consultant, a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, 5 Certified Nurses Aids, and a Medical Social Worker
- Is CARF accredited
Our clients…
- Have individually anywhere from 4 to 18 goals they are actively working on each day
- 36% of the clients live in their own home with supports
- Are 100% satisfied with services according to the most recent survey
- 93% of the clients made functional gains and progress toward all goals in the past 6 months
Join us for Beat the Challenge at our Annual Fall Festival from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Friday, September 19, in our Therapy and Wellness Garden for food and game challenges, special guests and celebrities, KG Slider Station food for purchase, entertainment, live music, face painting and more. While you’re here, you can speak with the Adult Day Services staff and learn about program options at Easterseals Crossroads for children, adults and adolescents with disabilities, special needs and challenges.