Reporting Cyber Crime

Orange bar with colorful circles and words Cyber Chat with Jane Harper Information and Security Risk Expert along with her photo

hosted by Jane Harper, an information security and risk expert

About Jane
Jane is a Senior Director of Information, Security Risk Management and Business Engagement, Eli Lilly and Company, as well as a member of our Easterseals Crossroads Board of Directors and a published author. Additionally, Jane serves on the board of the National Cyber Security Alliance, and she works actively with them to help everyone stay safe online.

She is passionate about information security for all and she is excited to share some tips to help keep us safe online, compliments of NCSA. Every other month, Jane will share some key facts, stories and tips regarding online security.

Do Your Part and Stay Cyber Smart

You can help take a bite out of cybercrime! The first step toward bringing cybercriminals to justice is reporting cybercrime when it happens.

We can’t let criminals own the internet.  Through responsible digital citizens like you, there is more focus on reducing cybercrimes.  Authorities have seriously upped their game since the first viruses, malware, and phishing attacks. There continues to be significant increases in spending to focused on preventing, stopping, and investigating cyber threats. There has also been an increase in legislative attention at all levels of government.

Even with this, you are the key to reducing cybercrime. If you are a target of cybercrime, you must notify the appropriate authorities. Compliments of the National Cyber Security Alliance, I want to share a few insights to help you Stay Cyber Smart!


Local Law Enforcement

Even if you have been the target of a multinational cybercrime, your local law enforcement agency (such as your local police department or sheriff’s office) has an obligation to assist you by taking a formal report. They are also required to make referrals to other agencies, when appropriate. Report your situation as soon as you find out about it.

Your Workplace’s IT Department

If the cybercrime happened in a work context, like if you received a suspected phishing email in your work email inbox, you should contact a supervisor or your company’s IT department.

Your Workplace’s IT Department

If the cybercrime happened in a work context, like if you received a suspected phishing email in your work email inbox, you should contact a supervisor or your company’s IT department.

Your Email Provider

Deleting spam, malicious messages or any other suspicious emails keeps you safe, but you can bolster your cybersecurity by reporting any serious cybercrime attempt to your email client. Many of the major email services (like Gmail and Outlook) make this very easy to do. You can also block senders, so you can ensure a bad actor email account never contacts you again.

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

You can get the federal government’s help with your issue by contacting IC3. IC3 will thoroughly review and evaluate your complaint and refer it to the appropriate federal, state, local or international law enforcement or regulatory agency that has jurisdiction over the matter.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

While the FTC does not resolve individual consumer complaints, it does run the Consumer Sentinel, a secure online database used by civil and criminal law enforcement authorities worldwide to detect patterns of wrong doing. If you are the victim of identity theft, you can receive additional help through the FTC hotline at 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338). Find more resources aimed at individuals, businesses, and law enforcement at

Remember, you aren’t alone online! You have the power to stop cybercriminals!

2023-05-01T15:36:40-04:00May 1, 2023|Our Blog|

Meet Edmund

content contributed by Edmund’s mom Gina

When Edmund was born on a cold, snowy day in December 2005, nobody could have predicted the amazing and often overwhelming changes that our family would go through. After an uneventful, textbook-normal pregnancy and delivery, everyone including the doctor was shocked to see that Edmund had a severe bilateral cleft lip and palate. As the nurses rushed him to the NICU, I lay in shock, desperately trying to understand this life-changing moment.

Soon the shock wore off as I switched into “business mode.” With four other young children to care for at home, I had to get a handle on this, and fast. I researched, I talked to people, I cried, I prayed. Edmund’s first surgery at 4 months old was to repair his lip, and suddenly we had a glimpse of what we were aiming for – not only to give him a chance to have normal oral functionality, but also to support him in having the best life possible, whatever that looked like.

For the first few years of his life, Edmund received speech, occupational and physical therapy services through First Steps, which he loved. He learned to stand, walk and speak with the weekly support of providers who came to our home once a week.

When he was 3 years old, he transitioned out of First Steps. Not long after, at the suggestion of our providers at Riley Hospital for Children and recommendations from friends, he started receiving speech therapy services at Easterseals Crossroads at the south location. We specifically requested Theresa Armstrong at the recommendation of a friend who is also a speech-language pathologist. Edmund quickly formed a bond with her, not just because she gave him snacks (which was one of her therapy techniques), but mostly because she was genuinely happy to see him each week. She connected with him in a way that built trust; she was truly invested in him. Once when she had arrived for our weekly session, there was a wasp nest near the entrance to the building and they had closed the building abruptly until pest control could take care of it. This didn’t stop Theresa; she opened up the back of her SUV and right there in the parking lot she and Edmund had their therapy session.

Over the years, we stayed involved with Easterseals Crossroads attending fun family events and continuing weekly therapy sessions. When Edmund was 8 years old, he got his picture in the 2014 Easterseals Annual Report! Every summer for several years, Edmund attended CampAbility, a summer day camp for school-aged kids.

Meet Edmund words with colorful circles and 2 photos of Edmund - one at CampAbility and one at Camp ROCKS

In 2017 I turned to Easterseals for a different reason. I’d always known there was something “different” about Edmund – in the way he learned and the way he saw the world. After two inconclusive behavioral evaluations at other institutions, we went to the Easterseals Crossroads autism diagnostic clinic. I wanted to know how to support him and help him succeed, but I knew I didn’t have the knowledge I needed. After a thorough evaluation, we received the diagnosis of autism. This opened a whole new world for us, and Easterseals Crossroads provided suggestions and supports which helped me make choices about this new trajectory for Edmund’s educational and personal path.

Theresa continued to advocate for Edmund when we learned a couple years ago that he was having trouble hearing the teachers at school. She wrote a grant to obtain a personal audio system from Anna’s Celebration of Life. While we were waiting for the grant to go through, she arranged for us to borrow a personal audio device from INDATA, the “lending library” of assistive technology at Easterseals Crossroads.

Edmund is now a sophomore at Purdue Polytechnic High School. He’s so excited to attend his fourth year at Easterseals Crossroads Camp ROCKS, a week-long summer camp for teens with autism at Bradford Woods. He still talks about climbing the fire tower all the way to the top last year! We are so thankful, because without Easterseals (and the financial assistance they offer to those who qualify), Edmund might not have been able to have a traditional camp experience like this.

Edmund recently had, as he put it, “a once in a lifetime experience.” For the past few years, we’ve listened to B105.7 on the radio every morning on the way to school. Edmund has grown to love radio personality Sean Copeland and his weekly features, including the “Old Man Rant” on Mondays, “Tuesday Tidbits,” and the “Friday Song.” He won’t listen to any other station, and if Sean is on vacation, Edmund is disappointed and counts the days until Sean returns.

images of Edmund's visit to B105.7 with Sean Copeland

One day in January 2023, after I’d dropped everyone off at school, I heard Sean’s “Friday Song.” He invited listeners to call or text the station and share something they were celebrating. Something “nudged” me to call. Of course, I didn’t get through. So I texted and told them how Edmund was a devoted listener every morning. About an hour later, to my surprise, I received a text back from Sean himself, who invited us to come for a tour of the station. On February 24, we met Sean in the lobby of the Emmis Communications building, and he took us upstairs to the studio where he had pre-recorded the last 30 minutes of his show so that he could spend time with us. When Edmund saw the three large computer screens and the huge control panel, he said, “It looks like you’re flying a plane!” The view from the studio over Monument Circle was stunning, and Edmund and Sean took a moment to enjoy it together. I was so impressed, not only with how incredibly kind Sean is, but also with how responsive the station is to people of different abilities. At one point Sean showed us a clear plastic panel that is placed over the computer screen in the studio. It has braille on it which lines up with the icons on the screen; this allows radio personality Bernie Eagan, who is blind, to run the studio when he’s on the air on the weekends.

Easterseals has been such a big part of our lives for so long, I can’t remember what it was like without them. With each new discovery of what makes Edmund the amazing person he is, Easterseals Crossroads has been a partner, there to answer our questions, offer support and celebrate his successes.

2023-04-03T12:12:27-04:00April 3, 2023|Our Blog|

Meet Joe

Joe is an administrative assistant in the employment division at Easterseals Crossroads and has been since 2020. Joe is a terrific addition to the team and the position has been a perfect fit for him.

image of Joe with colorful circles and words meet Joe

Joe obtained his college degree in telecommunications from Ball State University. After graduation, he struggled in finding a position that was fulfilling and challenging for him; he wanted a position that would provide him the opportunity to use his skills and education.

He qualified for vocational rehabilitation services and was referred to the employment division at Easterseals Crossroads to help him discover a good career match. Bottom line was that Joe wanted a position in an office with traditional working hours and paid time off for holidays and vacation; he also wanted to feel valued and appreciated for his contributions.

Prior to connecting with services from Easterseals Crossroads, Joe had been looking for employment on his own, but he was not getting the job offers he wanted. He was becoming discouraged. Although he held a position stocking merchandise in a store, he was concerned about the physical demands of that job as he aged.

When employment staff members began working with Joe, they were impressed with his motivation and willingness to work. An administrative position opened and Joe applied; he has excelled from day one and has proven himself as an asset to the entire organization.

I like my job at Easterseals Crossroads because it is challenging. I receive a lot of praise and compliments for my work, which makes me feel very appreciated. I take pride in my work and have been given additional responsibilities over time, which keeps it interesting and provides continued professional growth,  said Joe.

Employment programs at Easterseals Crossroads assist individuals with disabilities of all ages in finding careers that are aligned to each person’s interests, stills, education and ability. We work with young adults as they transition to employment and adults at any point when career plans have altered because of a change in ability.

We are so fortunate to have Joe as a member of our employment and Easterseals Crossroads team. His strong work ethic, positive attitude and high level of efficiency have made all our lives easier, said Marjorie Duryea, director of employment programs at Easterseals Crossroads.

With a wide variety of job candidates available for employment in a diverse range of industries, Easterseals Crossroads can be a go-to source for vetted and qualified individuals who will contribute greatly to the workforce. Not only will companies be expanding their diversity, equity and inclusion goals, their immediate employment needs will be met with highly-skilled workers.

Looking for qualified job candidates for your organization? Contact us to learn more.


2023-03-20T10:17:09-04:00March 20, 2023|Our Blog|

Chair One Fitness

What is Chair One Fitness
Chair One Fitness is a seated, interactive, total body workout. The mission of Chair One Fitness is to go beyond boundaries created by perceived limitations enabling everyone to stay active mentally and physically no matter age and ability.

People working out in a seated position from chairs.

Who Can Benefit from the Program
Anyone can benefit from Chair One Fitness, but it is specially designed for individuals who have complications with standing during a fitness regimen. On average, a person can burn 225-255 calories during a 45-minute class (with target heart zones at fat burn and cardio levels).

What are the Goals of the Program
The program is designed to keep individuals active to ensure that they remain progressive in daily function and/or recovery. Participants benefit physically, mentally and socially.

What is a Typical Class Like
Class can be low intensity or high intensity and last anywhere from 30 – 60 minutes. This includes a warm-up, workout and cool down while enjoying a fun, energetic playlist. The entire workout is completed from a seated position. Each song on the playlist offers a unique routine that benefits the entire body. We can customize the playlist to fit your group making the workout personalized and meaningful.

“Gina is fantastic! She brings out the best in everyone; we get a great workout while having fun!” – Herschel, Chair One Fitness participant




How Does Chair One Fitness Differ from Other Programs

Chair One Fitness is different because it eliminates the barrier of standing during exercise. It offers a full body workout from a seated position and each person can participate at their own ability level.

How Do We Get Started
Easterseals Crossroads can bring Chair One Fitness to your group or organization. We can customize your class for your group.

Contact Gina Schulz at 317.466.1000 x3083 or email her at

Watch a clip from one of Gina’s most recent sessions here

2023-02-17T10:28:36-05:00February 17, 2023|Our Blog|

Services for People with Brain Injuries

Easterseals Crossroads recently transitioned the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Services program from Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI). This statewide service is no longer available through RHI, but Hoosiers can count on the same level of service delivery in helping individuals with brain injuries navigate the resources they need to live, learn and work in our community from Easterseals Crossroads.

The new Resource Facilitation program at Easterseals Crossroads employs staff to identify specific resources such as therapy, support groups, education options, transportation assistance, social services and more so that adults with brain injuries can live as independently as possible. A resource facilitation team is assigned to individuals with brain injuries so that they can benefit fully from available resources.

Adult services at Easterseals Crossroads have long been positioned to serve individuals with brain injuries through day service options, employment services and assistive technology solutions. Brain injury services perfectly align with our existing array of service delivery within the agency. This new to Easterseals Crossroads service will create opportunities to more fully meet the needs of individuals living with disabilities in our community and our state.

Our experienced team is ready to identify specific resources such as therapy, support groups, education options, transportation assistance, social services and more so that adults with brain injuries can live as independently as possible. A resource facilitation team is assigned to individuals with brain injuries so that they can benefit fully from available resources.

A person living with a brain injury is capable and valuable to the community. Sometimes a person just needs supports and accommodations. More often than not, a person with a brain injury is able to live independently and contribute positively to their community.

Amy E. Miller is the director of Brain Injury Resource Facilitation Services at Easterseals Crossroads; she has answered some questions below to more fully explain the program.

What are resource facilitation services ?

Resource facilitation is a robust community-based public health model that has been proven to improve outcomes in both acute and chronic brain injury. The services are funded through Vocational Rehabilitation and offered free to qualified participants, giving them the opportunity to work with a team of brain injury professionals to achieve return to work or return to school goals.

In addition to returning to work or school, the services are also focused on one’s quality of life. Benefits include revised or acquired self-management and independent living skills, along with the ability to identify personal needs to improve relationships and advocate for needs. Additionally, it is common to see improvement with self-efficacy and life satisfaction in general. The things that make a person successful in returning to work or school can also contribute to happiness and success in other key areas of life.

Functions of resource facilitation include:

  • Providing brain injury specific education to individuals with brain injury and their families/caregivers
  • Proactively helping individuals identify, obtain and navigate needed services and supports
  • Promoting brain injury informed care with other providers
  • Ensuring collaboration, integration and coordination between providers and community-based resources.

Resource facilitation services at Easterseals Crossroads are available to individuals who qualify for vocational rehabilitation services for adults in central Indiana and throughout the entire state.

How are these services important for individuals with brain injuries?

Resource facilitation offers hope, a collaborative pathway to reach goals and the opportunity to find resources to take control of life for people with brain injuries.

The majority of people with whom we work are 5-10 years post injury and many never knew they had a history of brain injury.

What makes our ability to provide these services unique in our state?

There are so many reasons why Easterseals Crossroads is a great fit for this program. The organization has been a critical community resource for over 85 years providing community-based services. Many existing programs dovetail with the need for resource facilitation, and the brain injury services team is particularly excited about learning from the other Easterseals Crossroads program areas. The existing relationship with Vocational Rehabilitation will ease service delivery for individuals who will benefit from brain injury services.

What is our goal in proving these services?

We strive to serve each individual in the most effective, comprehensive way possible, guided by individual strengths, potential for change and perceived needs.

How can services help people with brain injuries reach their maximum potential?

A care plan is carefully crafted for each individual seeking service, which breaks down long term goals into achievable steps that are monitored carefully and adjusted to allow the person to stay on course to achieve desired goals.

In addition to acquiring and maintaining employment, resource facilitators help secure other supports including financial resources to prepare them to navigate systems independently once they have completed services.

No two brain injuries are the same. To understand the consequences of a brain injury you have to know the person, how their brain functions and how they have reacted to the injury. Severity of injury is often not correlated with level of disability. A “mild TBI” does not automatically mean a mild injury or mild consequences.

What are some challenges/obstacles for people with brain injuries?

Invisibility of a brain injury is often a barrier. A person with a brain injury can seemingly be functioning effectively in certain areas of their life, which can hinder overall ability. When someone is experiencing issues with initiation, a specific action may not occur to them; once prompted, the person can be fully motivated to act.

One person with whom we worked had impaired initiation that was very debilitating for him. For example, he could feel the physical sensation that indicated a need to use the restroom, but he could not automatically think of how to relieve the sensation; nothing was triggered by the sensation. When asked if he needed to use the restroom he could answer yes and obligingly proceed with this process.

Another very dramatic situation occurred when a husband experienced a brain injury and was unable to work or leave the house on his own. His wife was his sole caregiver and was managing everything. The stress of it all was starting to affect their marriage in very negative ways. She would leave for work in the morning and he would agree to do dishes, clean and perform other household chores. When she arrived home from work, nothing was done and they would fight it out with him not having a good explanation for why he hadn’t done what she asked and vowing to better the next day.

The cycle just continued. After learning that he had considerable deficits in the area of initiation, she left written notes with lists of what he should get done during the day and they set up alarms on his phone reminding him to look at his list. After implementing these very simple strategies, he got everything done and without exaggeration, their marriage was literally saved.

Impairment in executive functioning such as organization, time management and decision making; difficultly with abstract reasoning; difficulty concentrating and problem solving; lack of self-awareness (which often translates into poor understanding of what their limitations are and what they need); meta-cognition or thinking about thinking; slowed processing speed are all areas that are frequently affected by a brain injury.

Other obstacles or challenges include:

  • Slowed or delayed processing speed often times to the point of not being able to effectively keep up with a conversation, which can make group treatments and classroom lectures very difficult
  • Physical disabilities often as a result of the same incident that caused the brain injury can be visible, but can also include debilitating headaches and neurological issues
  • Lack of available community resources
  • Limits on insurance or therapies
  • Loss of independence often causing transportation difficulties

Appropriate intervention depends on eliminating any other issues that can resemble consequences of brain injury, like incompatible medication, sleep disturbance and mental health concerns. For example, if someone is not getting enough sleep they can have trouble with concentration and memory. Sleep disturbance is a very common concern after brain injury.

What can success look like for someone who has used this service?

Effective resource facilitation services can include success in work, community engagement and family relationships. People can benefit from the security in knowing there is a team of professionals, advocates and partners to help move them forward in life.

One person with whom we worked was living out of his car and did not have a job when he started resource facilitation services. During those services he obtained an apartment, got a job in a medical field (where he is still employed), completed cognitive therapy and participated in a community program with university students in social work studies, medical studies and speech studies.

He was so pleased with having a team after feeling he’d been alone for so long. When he first started the program, he revealed that he was suicidal; our professionals were able to get him into an inpatient mental health program. By the time services ended, he reported being equipped and confident and ready to manage knowing that he had resources if he found he needed more help.

What should a potential employer know about an employee with a brain injury?

When individuals are motivated to work – with the right approach incorporating the right tools – success happens. An employee with a brain injury can be a great asset. Through resource facilitation services, they work with a team that helps to ensure the position is a good fit and everyone involved knows what accommodations the employee needs to succeed. We have found that many employees with a brain injury stay in their position long-term when their employer understands their needs and makes sure they have what they need to succeed.

Who does our resource facilitation team include?

Medically speaking, we do not yet have imaging sophisticated enough to show changes within cells, so many brain injuries can only be diagnosed with neuropsychological assessment.

We employee six resource facilitators, one psychotherapist and one BICS sppecialist who are available around the state. In addition to our team, we also offer:

  • Brain Injury Coping Skills (BICS), which is a 15-week psychoeducational group intervention that helps clients and family members better understand their injury, gain self-management tools for alleviating the consequences of brain injury and learn the best ways to advocate for themselves and the accommodations they need.
  • Brain injury informed psychotherapy, which is individualized to meet individual needs as they arise and change over time. This can be offered as a short- or long-term intervention – whatever is therapeutically prescribed to meet a person’s goals. Often used as a bridge to appropriate community services, this therapy engages therapists to consult with local providers to ensure continuum of care.

Contact us to learn more about referrals for brain injury services.

2023-02-13T10:43:47-05:00February 13, 2023|Our Blog|

Tax Season Cyber Safety Tips

hosted by Jane Harper, an information security and risk expert

About Jane
Jane is a Senior Director of Information, Security Risk Management and Business Engagement, Eli Lilly and Company, as well as a member of our Easterseals Crossroads Board of Directors and a published author. Additionally, Jane serves on the board of the National Cyber Security Alliance, and she works actively with them to help everyone stay safe online.

She is passionate about information security for all and she is excited to share some tips to help keep us safe online, compliments of NCSA. Every other month, Jane will share some key facts, stories and tips regarding online security.

Orange bar with colorful circles and words Cyber Chat with Jane Harper Information and Security Risk Expert along with her photo

As tax season is coming up, we want to help you be prepared to work with your tax preparers. The volume and types of scams increase during this season, so stay alert, ask good questions and make it clear that protecting your information is key. Lastly compliments of the National Cybersecurity Alliance, here are some tips you can use.

Working with Tax Preparers

Do your Research
Vet your tax preparer before handing over sensitive information and ask what steps they take to protect your information. Businesses of all sizes are susceptible to cyberthieves, so it is critical to choose a preparer who takes security seriously.

Choose the Right Tax Preparer
Be selective about who you choose to file your taxes. Consider asking them the following questions:
• How will we exchange files and sensitive information?
• Who at your firm has access to my data?
• Are our communications end-to-end encrypted?
• What types of network security have you implemented?
• How do you back up client data?

Securely Send Documents
The most secure way of transferring documents is physically, either handing them to your tax preparer in person or sending them through the mail. However, if you must transfer them electronically, be sure to do it as securely as possible: Encrypt your files before sending them via email. Encryption protect the content from being read by entities other than the intended recipients. Encryption features are available on most major email platforms. Use a secure portal to upload documents. Portals encrypt documents during transfer and storage and limit access to only approved individuals.

Back it Up
Protect your valuable documents by making an electronic copy and storing it safely. If you have a copy of your data and your device falls victim to ransomware, you will be able to restore the data from a backup.

Use the 3-2-1 rule as a guide to backing up your data:
Keep at least three (3) copies of your data: Store two (2) backup copies on different storage media, With one (1) of them located offsite.

Additional Resources

2023-02-02T09:56:20-05:00February 2, 2023|Our Blog|

Bingo Bonanza is Back on February 3, 2023

image of children, bright color circles and message that bingo bonanza is back on February 3, 2023, festival license 000834

Have you bought your Bingo Bonanza tickets yet? They are selling quickly!

Bingo Bonanza is back with all the fun that has made this a signature event for over 20 years. Prizes are bigger and better than ever; with seven games of bingo to play, the odds are great that YOU could win one of the terrific prize packages!

This event – presented by Century 21 Scheetz with grand sponsor HSA Home Warranty to benefit Easterseals Crossroads – takes place at Northside Events & Social Club. Along with seven games of bingo, dinner and two drink tickets are included with your ticket purchase. We will play one bonus game for the chance to win $1,000; bonus game cards will be available for purchase at Bingo Bonanza. In addition to the bingo games, there will be many other fun contests and opportunities for prizes.

Thank you to our Bingo Bonanza sponsors:

Century 21 Scheetz
HSA Home Warranty

Century 21 Scheetz Charitable Foundation

Milestone Home Lending

Indiana Property Management Group

360 Tour Designs
Arbor Homes
D.R. Horton Homes
Indianapolis General Contractors
Nova Home Inspection
PJP Construction
Security Home Inspection

Tish Flooring

In-Kind Donors
Centerpoint Brewing
Northside Events and Social Club

Tickets are $55 per person and available as advance sale only. Due to charity gaming laws, tickets cannot be sold online and must be paid via cash or check. Order your tickets today; you do NOT want to miss all the fun at Bingo Bonanza 2023! (Festival License 000834)

You must be 21+ to attend Bingo Bonanza.

2023-02-06T10:27:27-05:00January 18, 2023|Our Blog|

Following Audrey

In 2014, 4-year-old Audrey was featured on the cover of the annual engagement report for Easterseals Crossroads. When Audrey’s parents realized that she was not meeting certain age-related milestones, such as sitting up and crawling during her first year, they engaged early intervention services through First Steps and Easterseals Crossroads at 9 months. In 2014, Audrey used a communication board along with signs to express herself and was learning to eat with adapted utensils and dress herself. As a happy 4-year-old, she was always excited to visit Easterseals Crossroads, greet staff members and point out her favorite wall art.

images of Audrey at the age of 4 swinging, walking, smiling and communicating

Speech-Language Goals

According to Audrey’s mom Julie, Audrey’s speech has changed tremendously since 2014. Audrey is now fully verbal with no need for sign language or a communication board. Julie notes that Audrey can still be somewhat hard to understand, but the family has found that people who know Audrey can understand her. Those who do not know her can understand the majority of what is said.

I can’t imagine what life would be like if I couldn’t have a conversation with my daughter; I’m so thankful that I can! It’s not easy (for her or us) coming to multiple therapy sessions each week for virtually her entire life, but the payoff has already been huge, and I believe it will continue, said Julie.

Occupational Therapy Goals

During her time with occupational therapists, Audrey has worked to learn to eat independently with utensils, drink from an open cup, dress herself, type on her chrome book, turn faucets on/off, brush her teeth, buckle/unbuckle her own seat belt, open various packages on her own for meals and so many other fine motor skills. “All of these things make our lives as parents so much easier and are great for Audrey’s feelings of independence,” said Julie.

“I remember one night a few years ago, when I heard Audrey turn the bathroom faucet on and off. This was a huge moment for us – this seemingly simple moment that so many parents take for granted. For us, it was a moment of independence – Audrey no longer needed to ask for help getting a drink of water,” said Julie.

Audrey is working very hard with handwriting. It appears as though handwriting may never be Audrey’s best form of communication, but her family feels that being able to write her name is incredibly important. Audrey is progressing with this, yet it is still very difficult for her. Aside from writing her name, other current goals include expressing her emotions properly, alternating arm movement, building strength in her hands/arms, coloring, cutting and performing fine motor tasks such as stringing beads. Therapy is hard work and Audrey attends multiple appointments weekly. Her therapists plan activities that are engaging because the hard work can affect Audrey’s focus on tasks.

Audrey Today

Audrey is now in 7th grade where she enjoys singing in the choir, music and dancing. She enjoys swimming lessons, watching shows, supporting the Indianapolis Indians team and especially mascot Rowdie. As a huge baseball fan, she has memorized how to sing the national anthem at baseball games; she loves joining in with Take me out to the Ballgame after the 7th inning stretch; and she knows the announcements at the end of the game.

images of Audrey at Camp FUEL smiling with counselor and walking with pony

In addition to therapy appointments twice each week, Audrey has attended camps offered by Easterseals Crossroads. She began with CampAbility when she was 4 years old. According to her parents, Audrey would have not benefited from traditional day camp. “Audrey absolutely loves attending camps every summer and enjoys the photo book that the camp counselors have made for her after camp. This past year, Audrey attended Camp FUEL, which we called the big kids camp. We were worried that she would be among the youngest, but the counselors were great and Audrey loved it. It’s wonderful to know that we can always count on Easterseals camps to provide a fun summer experience for her,” said Julie.

“Easterseals has been a resource for Audrey and services have grown with her adjusting therapies to her specific needs and to our desires for her. The therapists care about what is important to our family, and these are the skills they will work on,” said Julie.

“Easterseals has been a huge blessing in our lives. Her therapists over the years have done things to show their care for Audrey as a person, not just a client. Things like taking photos of their pets to show Audrey when she asked; showing her their pets via zoom when we did therapy virtually during Covid; gifting her a weighted stuffed animal because she liked one at therapy. We love how everyone here knows her and us. It isn’t uncommon for the maintenance staff to greet us and comment on how far Audrey has progressed over the years,” said Julie.

And you know – as a mom, I love seeing the different abilities of the staff at Easterseals Crossroads. Seeing adults at work who may have ability levels similar to Audrey gives me hope and confidence for her future as a working adult, said Julie.

2023-01-05T11:36:07-05:00January 5, 2023|Our Blog|

The Spirit of Giving

Easterseals Crossroads serves and advocates for people with disabilities. This mission is powerful and relies on delivery to fulfill the promise. The why behind the mission is clear – Easterseals Crossroads envisions a community with 100% equity, inclusion and access for people with disabilities. This vision depends heavily on the actions of staff, volunteers, donors and partners to turn the goals into reality.

People who act for Easterseals Crossroads in support of the mission and vision are making an investment in the lives of those with disabilities. This investment includes support for children who need therapy services to communicate, grow and learn. Investment continues for adults with disabilities who want to work independently and be a vital part of our workforce. Investment honors our veterans who have served our country yet now need resources and support to thrive again.

Investing in people with disabilities and veterans is what staff members at the agency do every single day. Community support drives us forward as the agency depends upon philanthropy for 25% of its operating budget each year. Without support from our partners, donors, sponsors, volunteers and friends, we would not be able to meet the needs of individuals, families and veterans in central Indiana.

Join us and those in our community who connect with us through time, talent and resources.

Individual Donors

Karen and Rich live on the north side with their dog Charlie. They have been supporters of Easterseals Crossroads for many years; their support extends to yearly donations and attendance at events, such as Bingo Bonanza, which returns this year on Friday, February 3. (Bingo Bonanza 2023 tickets will go on sale on January 3; watch for more information soon – festival license 000834.)While they have not needed services from Easterseals Crossroads, they know they could at some point in their lives; they give for that reason. They realize a community such as ours needs resources so that every member has equal access to independence at work, home, school and play.

We give because people with disabilities need support from a resource that is truly a pillar in our community. I remember Crossroads from when I volunteered there as a Girl Scout in the 60s; we helped prepare mailings by stuffing envelopes. Disability can happen to anyone; no one is immune. I want to know that Easterseals Crossroads would be there for me or someone in my family if the need was there, said Karen.

Sandra lives on the south side with her husband; her three children are grown and have families of their own. She has taken an interest in Easterseals Crossroads since 2007 when she participated or volunteered at various fundraising events from walks to Bingo Bonanza.

2 photos of Sandra and family members


She chose to continue her support for the agency the more she learned about the services provided by the agency. In fact, her grandson receives speech-language therapy services from Easterseals Crossroads. Sandra has observed the progress and changes that her grandson has made and has been very impressed.

My daughter has selected Easterseals Crossroads as her service provider for her son. She has seen firsthand the increase in independence evident with Theo. Theo feels right at home with his therapist and he has made huge progress. Easterseals Crossroads is actually part of our family at this point and we have all gotten behind that support that is so beneficial to us, said Sandra.

Sandra feels that Easterseals Crossroads fills a void for so many people in our community who depend upon services. As a donor, she is motivated to continue her support because she knows that without donations of time, resources and money, many vital programs would suffer in ability to deliver.

Volunteer and Donor

Vally is a long-time supporter of the agency. She joined the volunteer group Crossroads Guild in 1989; since then, she has donated her time, her talents and her resources frequently. She is often in the main building helping with events for children’s programs and she works with other members of the Guild to create items that are sold at craft and hobby shows. The Guild generates income from these events and other activities to donate back to the agency.

“I know how important services from Easterseals are to so many families in our community. I have worked within the children’s programs as a volunteer and I have seen the progress, growth and overall results in preparing these kids for a better life as they mature. The therapists literally change and improve the quality of lives for so many by building confidence and ability with life skills,” said Vally.

Vally and other Guild members are always on call to assist with agency needs. The group firmly believes in the motto of providing helping hands and they acknowledge that those helping hands come in many forms from contributions of time, money, knowledge, skills and kindness.

“Easterseals Crossroads is a very reliable, trusting and capable agency and our community is fortunate to have them as part of our healthcare system. Services come in so many shapes and sizes because of so many needs that need to be met. Veteran services have a special place in my heart. Many community services provide for children, underprivileged or elderly, but often our military or returning military members are thought of last. While we think of our military as always strong, willing and able, that is not always true. Sometimes needs are not always obvious, but they are so critical and important to address. Easterseals Crossroads meets many of those needs for our veterans. My parents and many of my uncles served in the military and  I support military services financially to honor my family,” said Vally.

I have seen firsthand the dedication and loyalty from the Easterseals Crossroads staff members. The fact they each of them could work anywhere and are choosing to serve at Easterseals Crossroads tells me that they are invested and that they clearly believe in the mission, said Vally.

Corporate Donors

Eight Eleven Group strives daily to create a culture that attracts, retains and grows people from all backgrounds. By taking great pride and responsibility in constantly improving their methods, they can maintain an environment that fosters diversity, equity and inclusion. Through their inclusive pipelines of talent, they build teams reflective of their communities celebrating differences and aligning with both the goals of their partners  and core values. With service being one of those core values, the group understands how important the work of philanthropic organizations is to the communities served. Indianapolis holds a special place in their hearts as it has been the home of their humble beginnings in 2000 and now home to their national headquarters.

Eight Eleven Group has joined us this year as our matching gift sponsor – the group is matching all gifts up to $30,000. Supporting Easterseals Crossroads and the Indianapolis community is a true honor for the group and having 30+ offices around the country gives them an opportunity to make a broader impact.

colorful circles, words donate now and matching gifts plus link to donate

2022-12-27T09:29:21-05:00December 27, 2022|Our Blog|

Following Theo

You might recognize Theo as part of our Stronger Together campaign a few years ago! Theo still receives speech therapy services at Easterseals Crossroads, and we wanted to catch up with him and see how his journey is going.

Theo has been working with his speech pathologist Brittnie since January of 2021. She has seen him achieve numerous goals in the time he has been with her. Theo is now working on more challenging language and speech sound goals. “We hope to improve his overall intelligibility of speech and work on higher-level language tasks that will help within his academic setting,” mentions Brittnie.


Theo also receives speech therapy at his school building in a small group setting and Brittnie mentions the importance of open communication between parents, school therapists and herself. “I only see Theo for 45 minutes every other week during the school year. It is vital to know how Theo is doing with his speech and language skills outside of the speech therapy room,” says Brittnie. “This maximizes his progress and ensures carry-over of his skills across settings.”


“We truly work as a team, this is a partnership with one goal; to see Theo thrive and succeed,” says mom, Allison. “We compare IEP plans and goals from school with Brittnie in order to make sure we are all working on complementary tasks and goals.” Theo’s family has witnessed the benefit of small group setting in school in addition to individualized one on one sessions at Easterseals Crossroads.

“Theo is such a hard worker. He is extremely motivated to develop his skills and always puts forth his best effort. When new skills are targeted, he never gives up, and will continue to try until he is able to complete all tasks presented,” Brittnie points out.  “He is a happy and easy-going kiddo. He is always willing to work on anything I ask him to work on and is always glad to participate during speech therapy sessions. Because of this engagement, he continues to make awesome progress. It is truly a pleasure to work with Theo and I look forward to seeing him each week.”


2022-12-16T10:08:00-05:00December 14, 2022|Our Blog|
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