A lady and a boy doing a puzzle with masks on.

Your individual or corporate donation to Easterseals Crossroads is vital so we can continue to be a resource for you and your family. Together we are redefining ability for people with disabilities and our veterans.

View our most recent engagement report.

Ways to Donate

You can mail a gift to Easterseals Crossroads, 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN, 46205.

Please call 317.466.1000 to make a donation.

Tribute Gifts
You can make a tribute gift to honor someone special, honor a special day such as a birthday, anniversary or holiday, or make a gift in someone’s memory. An acknowledgement is promptly sent to the honoree or family, notifying them of your thoughtfulness. The amount of your gift will not be included.

Presidents’ Council
It takes the special interest and support of Presidents’ Council members to continue the tradition of excellence at Easterseals Crossroads. Through a charity donation of $1,000 or more, you can be a member of this dedicated group that empowers Easterseals Crossroads to fulfill its mission and meet the special needs of those who turn to Easterseals Crossroads for help.

Planned Giving
Friend Forever donors play a substantial role in fulfilling the mission to serve people with disabilities in central Indiana. Friend Forever donors give estate, bequest, trust or deferred gift commitments that become board-controlled funds to ensure continuity of services for children and adults with disabilities in central Indiana. For information on how to include Easterseals Crossroads in your future estate plans, please contact the Development Office at 317.466.1000.

Easterseals Crossroads is a sound investment. Learn more about how your dollars are spent and about the National Health Council’s report.

View our 2024 Engagement Report.

View Easterseals Crossroads most recent Form 990.