Lilly Global Day of Service
This blog was written by Tessa Barnard, Volunteer and Community Outreach Coordinator at Easter Seals Crossroads.
On Thursday, October 1 a group of seventeen Eli Lilly & Company employees came to Easterseals Crossroads and spent the afternoon cleaning, sanding and staining all of the outdoor furniture used in our Therapy and Wellness Garden. The garden is used by staff and consumers alike at Easterseals Crossroads. It is a safe place to go outside and enjoy the sunshine in the warm spring and summer months and a beautiful spot to watch the leaves change in the fall.
The volunteer group was a part of the Lilly Global Day of Service, where nearly 20,000 Lilly employees spent a day outsides of the office, volunteering in communities around the world.
The group revitalized some pieces of solid wood furniture that was almost twenty years old. Now the pieces look brand new and will withstand the chilly winter months and be ready to go in the spring. We are very grateful for their hard work!
If your group, school, or business is interested in volunteering at Easter Seals Crossroads, please contact us.