Published On: September 28, 2017

Thank you Lilly Global Day of Service volunteers for another amazing day of activity on September 28, 2017! Easterseals Crossroads has been fortunate to have been involved with a tremendous group of volunteers once again this year – the year that marks their 10th anniversary of service.
During September, Lilly employees in 65 countries take part in the Lilly Global Day of Service. This special day is a great opportunity for agencies to engage volunteers to accomplish tasks and activities that might otherwise go undone due to lack of resources or staff. This is especially helpful for service agencies such as Easterseals Crossroads in that it allows us to focus our energies on disability service within our community.
This year, we were extremely happy to have been contacted by two different groups from Lilly. We hosted 25 volunteers during the morning to complete outdoor assignments such as spreading mulch in our garden area (an area enjoyed by our adult day participants) and our playground (an area used by our children’s therapy programs, as well as evening respite programs). The group was also able to complete general maintenance activities that enhanced and maintainted the look of our property and grounds.
3 images of Lilly Global Day of Service volunteers
The second group of 25  Lilly employees came for the afternoon. This group has been especially helpful to us in that they have chosen our agency as their service-day agency for the past four years.  During the past four years, this group has completed various tasks such as refinishing children’s bookshelves and cubbies, refurbishing outdoor furniture for our garden area, painting our conference rooms and working directly with our participants in our adult day program. Charlotte Krukenberg, our Lilly contact for the past four years, said

We are grateful for what Easterseals Crossroads does for the community and we enjoy helping you serve those living with disability. You are a great group to work with, and we have enjoyed making a one-on-one connection with your agency. Although we (sometimes) feel physically tired after a service day, your feedback on our accomplishments has mentally invigorated us in knowing that we have made an impact on your important programs.

Lilly Day of Service volunteers
Thank you, Lilly Global Day of Service volunteers for helping us at Easterseals Crossroads take on disability together!