Published On: January 13, 2017

Easterseals Crossroads offers activities that help families and children play, relax and engage.
View Ford’s story by clicking the image below.
play banner with link with child at camp

Ford’s Story

Ford was born four weeks early after a pregnancy that posed not complications for his mom. Breathing on his own was an intitial primary concern; when Ford was released from intensive care, he went home with oxygen and feeding tubes. His medical condition was uncertain; an MRI showed a brain injury and he had metabolic issues as well.
“Our world changed from that point. We connected with early intervention services through Easterseals Crossroads, and they continue to be a great support team for us. Ford’s doctors are amazed at all that he is doing; things he wouldn’t be doing without Easterseals Crossroads,” said mom Whitney.
Ford and his family enjoy recreational time at Parents’ Night Out – a respite event for all family members. Ford and his sisters have fun playing while their parents can enjoy some time to themselves. Ford also attends CampAbility – a summer program that he loves.
“Independence in play is hard for Ford, but CampAbility allows him to focus on that since he is surrounded by people who really know what they are doing,” said dad Alex.
“We don’t take things for granted and we celebrate small victories with Ford,” said Alex. Small victories like playing with a new friend – something Ford has learned to do at CampAbility. Small victories like blowing out a birthday candle – something Ford did for the first time on his 6th birthday. “We have really grown to appreciate the milestones,” said Alex.
Learn more about CampAbility; learn more about respite services.