Easterseals Crossroads offers vital children’s outpatient therapy services, including occupational, physical and speech-language therapies.
We also offer a free, comprehensive online screening tool to keep track of your child’s growth and development during the first five years. Learn more about the Ages and Stages Questionnaires.
Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapists work with children and their families to maximize their ability to participate in activities at home, school and play. Using play, sensory, visual and motor activities, we can help children improve skills in bathing, dressing, toileting, sensory processing, handwriting, fine motor and visual motor tasks.

Our therapists also assist families in obtaining adaptive equipment, such as adaptive utensils, splints and play equipment as well as sensory items, such as weighted or compression vests and noise-canceling headphones. We work with the child’s therapists from early intervention services or a school system to provide a continuum of care to best facilitate growth for every child.
Meet Erionna in this video, and hear how Easterseals Crossroads has helped her become more independent.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy for children helps build muscle strength and flexibility, improve coordination and balance, and develop the control needed for movement. Our therapists evaluate a child’s motor abilities and then design a plan to develop motor skills important for success at home, school and in the community. We also assist children and families in obtaining adaptive equipment, such as orthotics, walkers, standers, gait trainers, wheelchairs and other items when needed.
Speech-Language Therapy
Speech-language therapy services focus on helping a child learn and develop skills in understanding language (receptive) and communicating wants and needs to others (expressive). Speech-Language pathologists are also specially trained to treat swallowing and feeding problems.
Our therapists evaluate a child’s abilities and then develop an individualized plan to help him/her grow with communication and feeding skills. We also coordinate with a child’s early intervention staff or school therapists to provide more effective care.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a very specialized program offered within our Speech-Language Therapy services.
AAC refers to methods of communication used to help those who are unable to speak or write in a manner in which others can understand them. These methods include picture-based communication boards or books, simple devices with pictures that speak when pressed and higher technology speech-generating devices or tablets.

AAC services include a customized evaluation, specific recommendations for the individual, training opportunities for the child, families, caregivers and professionals as well as continued support.
Payers. Easterseals Crossroads accepts private payment, most commercial insurance and Medicaid plans, as well as other funding sources, such as Children’s Special Health Care Services.
Referral Sources. Children may be referred to Children’s Outpatient Therapy Services by anyone, including a parent or physician.
For more information about Children’s Outpatient Therapy Services, please contact us.