Published On: June 7, 2016

On May 27, Carolyn Baumgartle, Matt Bernard and Michael Custer from our Veteran Services visited Adult Day consumers to talk about everything military and veteran related.
Veteran staff members came prepared; they covered everything from the real meaning of Memorial Day to what it is actually like to go out on a maneuver. Consumers truly enjoyed the special day – they particularly liked testing out the equipment, which included helmets, googles, backpacks, vests and more. One consumer even experienced what it might be like to run wearing a heavy backpack.
Community integration is an integral part of our programming for our Adult Day participants. Opportunities with those in the community are beneficial to our clients to help them experience

  • making choices
  • learning new things
  • exploring their community
  • being an important part of our community

Interactive opportunities also benefit our community at large in that individuals can better understand and value the contributions of those with disabilities and special needs. Equally important as going out into the community is bringing community leaders into our Center. These types of experiences can be social, educational, spiritual, interactive and fun.
“This unique military experience provided by our own staff members was one of the best informational sessions we have had for our consumers,” said Tracy Wright (Manager of Community Day Supports). “Veteran staff members interacted really well with our consumers who are still talking about what they learned. I was off on Friday, but one of the first things I heard when I returned on Tuesday was a consumer who said ‘I was a soldier on Friday.’ That told me a lot about what a great day he had,” said Tracy.
Thanks to Veteran Services staff members at Easterseals Crossroad for doing such a great job of sharing information in a very memorable way!