Published On: April 13, 2017

April is National Volunteer Month and each week we’ll be highlighting a volunteer who has made an impact on Easterseals Crossroads and the individuals we serve. This week we talk to Bob Craig. (post created by Tessa Barnard, Community Engagement Coordinator)

Navolunteer Bob Craigme one fun fact you would like people to know about you.
I was a soccer referee for 15 years beginning at age 50, but never played the game.
 How did you first hear about volunteering at Easterseals Crossroads?
I was chaperoning a group of middle school students from our church on a mission trip and we visited the Easterseals Adult Day Care. I noticed they had an Employment Services program and asked Tessa Barnard, Volunteer Coordinator, if they ever needed volunteers. She said we always need volunteers. I think it was the very next day that I got a call from Marjorie Mansfield, Manager of Employment Services, asking if we could meet. As they said, the rest is history.
 How long have you been volunteering at Easterseals Crossroads? About 4 years.
What are some of the activities that you help with while volunteering at Easterseals Crossroads?
I conduct the Job Club and help with the Career Expo.
Name one thing that a consumer has taught you or one thing that you have learned from your volunteer experience.
We were talking about how to address disability in an interview and one of the members of the Job Club said, “Just remember, we are not defined by our disability.” I use that statement all of the time in Job Club now.
 What advice would you give to someone who is a new volunteer?
To always enjoy the people you are working with. They have so much to offer and you can learn so much from them.
 What has been the most memorable moment in your time volunteering with Easterseals Crossroads? Why?
One day in Job Club one of the members said they were having difficulty answering a question on an online application and didn’t know what to say. They told me the question and it was one I had never encountered before even though I had recruited for many years. I had no idea how to answer it. Another member of the Job Club told the individual how to answer the question. They did and they got the job. From that time on, I relied on the members of Job Club to help me teach the group.
Learn more about volunteer opportunities at Easterseals Crossroads