Published On: April 5, 2017

April is National Volunteer Month and each week we’ll be highlighting a volunteer who has made an impact on Easterseals Crossroads and the individuals we serve. This week we talk to Miranda Mellendorf. (post created by Tessa Barnard, Community Engagement Coordinator)
Namphoto of Miranda Mellendorfe one fun fact you would like people to know about you. I earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do when I was 10 years old; it took three years.
How did you first hear about volunteering at Easterseals Crossroads? I learned about Easterseals through Volunteer Match.
How long have you been volunteering at Easterseals Crossroads? I started volunteering at Easterseals in October 2016.
What are some of the activities that you help with while volunteering at Easterseals Crossroads? I’ve helped with childcare in the evenings during autism parent training and in the mornings during class time for kids with autism and their siblings.
Name one thing that a consumer has taught you or one thing that you have learned from your volunteer experience. I have definitely learned a lot more about autism and how every child is unique and they all feel better in different ways. When you discover what makes them happy, it’s a great feeling.
What advice would you give to someone who is a new volunteer? My advice to other volunteers is to be open to all of the kids. Some may be shy at first, many are non-verbal, but once you get to know them, you can tell that they appreciate you’re there to be with them.
What has been the most memorable moment in your time volunteering? Why? My most memorable moment was when I was volunteering to watch the kids in the evening during autism parent training and it was Sylvia [Smith, Autism Resource Specialist], me and three boys and we all threw a ball together for about 30 minutes and everyone was having a fun time together!
Learn more about how YOU can be a volunteer at Easterseals Crossroads