Published On: April 26, 2017

April is National Volunteer Month and each week we are highlighting a volunteer who has made an impact on Easterseals Crossroads and the individuals we serve. This week we talk to Radha Warty. (post created by Tessa Barnard, Community Engagement Coordinator)
man using computer
Name one fun fact you would like people to know about you. I love working on computers and computers are my hobby to enjoy. So it’s no wonder I am volunteering at INDATA because of my love for computers.
How did you first hear about volunteering at Easterseals Crossroads? I don’t remember since that was a long time ago. I am sure someone mentioned it and I took an interest and went there to check it out. Sorry that I can’t answer this enough.
How long have you been volunteering at Easterseals Crossroads? I have been volunteering since 2013.
What are some of the activities that you help with while volunteering at Easterseals Crossroads? Working on computers by repairing them and installing new Windows and adding new things on them before they are ready for people to take them.
Name one thing that a consumer has taught you, or one thing that you have learned from your volunteer experience. I haven’t interacted with the customers much but from few times I have met with them, they seem very nice and friendly.
What advice would you give to someone who is a new volunteer? Volunteering is a great experience and helpful with knowledge. There are new things you never knew but learn from it. If it wasn’t for this, I wouldn’t know half of things I can do at home. It’s very educational. And plus it’s a great experience.
What has been the most memorable moment in your time volunteering? Why? Fixing computers to help people with disabilities have access to them, it’s a great feeling because you are helping them to have something to enjoy.
Learn more about volunteer opportunities at Easterseals Crossroads